My Rockstar Billionaire 2 (Billionaire Romance 2)

Free My Rockstar Billionaire 2 (Billionaire Romance 2) by Amy Aday

Book: My Rockstar Billionaire 2 (Billionaire Romance 2) by Amy Aday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Aday
My Rockstar Billionaire 2
    Amy Aday
    After an unforgettable time with mysterious, passionate Ricky, curvy Belle tries to move on from her hot vacation tryst with this seemingly perfect man. She struggles to return to reality and put out of her mind the best time she’s ever had in her life. Was he too good to be true? Trusting anyone, let alone such a mystery like Ricky is a big issue, especially as she’s still recovering from her failed relationship from her chronic cheater ex-boyfriend.
    But Ricky cannot get her out of his mind. He has other plans for her and won’t let her go that easily. Their intense passion and obsession for each other reunites them. She finally discovers his shocking big secret but is it too much for him or her to bear? They’re worlds apart, but can they learn to let go and trust each other? 
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    My Rockstar Billionaire 2
    Amy Aday
    Sitting on the plane, I finally have a moment to rest. My mind immediately wanders to him. The last few hours I was too busy running around to catch my flight back from my work press trip in the Dominican Republic. But sitting here now, all I could think about was his stunningly handsome face, his killer smile, perfect body and sultry voice.
    I try to divert my thoughts to the flight attendant who is giving us safety instructions. It's no use. My mind fixates and only wants to remember those perfect moments together on the beach, in his private villa, and in that sexy local nightclub.
    It feels like it could be all a strange dream. After all, I'm just an average girl. A little too curvy, but your basic American 22-year-old girl trying to figure out life while living in the US. As an aspiring writer, I took on many jobs in freelance as well as my latest assignment in travel writing. And that's how I met Ricky.
    The plane slowly starts moving on the runway. I look out the window at the lush, tropical paradise that I'm leaving. But all I can see is his beautiful face.
    I chide myself. I knew it was just a fun vacation fling. It could not be anything else. The fresh scars of my past relationship with that cheating bastard still plague me. After years of broken trust, and finally discovering one day that you can't count on your so-called best friend anymore, and it was all lies…well, it's obvious I need some time away from a relationship.
    And Ricky. Mysterious, painfully beautiful, incredibly talented and charismatic Ricky. For the rest of the flight, I try to think logically with my head but I can't escape those amazing visions and moments that we spent together this week.
    No expectations. We made a pact, a promise that we would simply enjoy our getaway and once-in-a-lifetime private moments together. And so, I didn't give him my contact information and I don't expect that we'll ever see each other again.
    That thought stops me cold. My heart gets inexplicably heavy and the sadness washes over me as I stare out the airplane window. I try to think only of those passionate, perfect moments with him or better yet, to think of something else completely, but my mind will not stop replaying the endless loop of his sweet memory. The heart-stopping way he smiled at me, his sexy stare, smooth voice, perfect touch and moves. Every thought made me feel weak and a little crazy.
    I fall asleep on the plane, vaguely aware that my mind is going a million miles a minute thinking only of him. I awaken once or twice, but force myself back to sleep. I just want the flight to go as fast as possible and to get home already. Although I had the most wonderful time, like a surreal dream come true, now it feels like torture to rip myself away from him and come back to my cold reality.
    I remind myself that I really am excited to see my best friend and

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