The Elusive Lord Everhart: The Rakes of Fallow Hall Series

Free The Elusive Lord Everhart: The Rakes of Fallow Hall Series by Vivienne Lorret

Book: The Elusive Lord Everhart: The Rakes of Fallow Hall Series by Vivienne Lorret Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivienne Lorret
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency
on, Everhart.”
    This familiar sparring assured Gabriel that all was right with his world once again. “I look forward to proving you wrong when we are next in town.” He transferred his cane to the other side so he could grip Croft’s hand. Strangely enough, over these past few years of boxing with him, he’d actually started to like the chap, despite the threat he’d issued. Croft lived by a code of honor where he put his family first and stayed true to his character. Gabriel respected that, even now, when Croft wasn’t holding back from a good, solid handshake. “You’re going soft already. I guess it’s true what they say about married men.”
    “That only the best of men are designed for it? Yes, that’s entirely true.” Croft chuckled and gave one final bone-crunching squeeze before he released his grip.
    “Hear, hear,” Brightwell cheered with a resounding clap that caused one of his pale forelocks to droop. Years ago, their friendship had merely been a convenience for Gabriel. He’d wanted an excuse to spend more time with Calliope. Then, after the letter and her refusal of Brightwell, he’d experienced guilt over having misled them both. To make amends, he’d decided to become Brightwell’s friend in truth and suggested an expedition that would, essentially, help both of them heal their wounds.
    Gabriel hoped the plan would finally work for him on his next expedition.
    “All right, gentlemen,” Delaney Croft said with a laugh of her own. “You’ve proven yourselves worthy opponents. However, if we do not leave soon, I fear Valentine will fetch some rope and turn the foyer into a boxing ring.”
    “Capital notion.” Danvers hailed Valentine who waited near the door. “Some rope, if you please. I should like to see Everhart pummeled.”
    “You forget, my friend ,” Gabriel said, “that you will not collect on our wager if I die.”
    “Never mind, Valentine,” Danvers said with a tsk. The butler, however, never once moved from his spot, having become an expert at ignoring their nonsense in the short time they’d resided at Fallow Hall.
    “My husband told me about the wager,” Delaney said. “I cannot believe you bet against Montwood.”
    Gabriel shrugged, daring not to reveal how the statement made him want to look over his shoulder with dread. Knowing what he stood to lose, he never should have been so foolish. “Where is the cheat, by the way?”
    “I imagine he’s a safe distance from the reach of Croft’s fists.” Brightwell smirked, apparently amused at being excluded from those who were targets, either of Croft’s fists or Montwood’s wager. Not to mention, since Brightwell had come to stay here with his wife for her recuperation, he’d done nothing but try to convince Gabriel to find himself a bride. Of course, the accident had much to do with that.
    The uncomfortable weight of culpability settled in his stomach.
    Delaney sighed in exasperation. “Montwood needn’t worry about that any longer. My husband has quite a forgiving nature.”
    Forgiving nature? Gabriel bit back a laugh.
    Croft issued a low grunt. His stern countenance suggested that he did not seem to share his wife’s certainty on the matter. Then, when his gaze shifted to Gabriel’s, the warning was clear. Sparring partner or not, Croft had not forgiven him for wounding Calliope.
    Gabriel couldn’t blame him. He hadn’t forgiven himself either. As far as he was concerned, the sooner the Crofts left Fallow Hall, the better. “And speaking of those absent from our farewell party,” he added with an unnecessary glance around the room, “your sister appears to be missing.”
    “Here I am,” said the woman in question from the top of the stairs. Hand atop the wide rail, Calliope raced down quickly but lost her muff along the way. Then, retracing her steps, she snatched it before turning back around and finally descending to the foyer.
    Out of breath, she stood there in a blue redingote trimmed in white

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