Heat of the Night

Free Heat of the Night by Elle Kennedy

Book: Heat of the Night by Elle Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Kennedy
Tags: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
withdrew from her mouth and hauled her up into his lap. His warm hands snaked underneath her shirt, tugging it up and over her head. Matt’s green eyes glittered with appreciation at the sight of her bare breasts.
    “You are beautiful,” he said softly.
    He dipped his head and covered one nipple with his hot mouth, kissing it gently. Annabelle tilted her head to the side, watching Ryan as he watched them. She saw his pulse throbbing in his throat, his lips parted slightly as he moved his fist up and down his cock.
    Matt flicked his tongue over her aching nipple, then looked up at her from under unbelievably long eyelashes. “Do you like having him watch?”
    She swallowed. “Yes.”
    Smiling, Matt turned his attention to her other breast, while moving one hand between her legs to cup her mound. She moaned, rubbed herself against him, cradled his head with her hands and brought him 42

    Heat of the Night
    closer to her breast. Her skin was scorching hot, her mouth desert-dry. Matt gently pushed her onto her back, his big hands sliding her shorts down her legs. He tossed them aside, spread her thighs and then his tongue was on her clit. He licked her, eagerly, relentlessly, until her mind fragmented and she climaxed with a loud cry. Her eyes were wide open, locked with Ryan’s as she came from Matt’s talented machinations.
    “Is he good?” Ryan murmured, still working his own erection.
    She offered a breathless yes, which turned into a deep moan as Matt pushed two fingers into her and started working on her clit again.
    “Do you want him to fuck you?” Ryan asked.
    Another breathy yes.
    “Did you hear that, O’Connor?” Ryan said. “She wants you to fuck her.”
    Matt raised his head from her pussy, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “Five more minutes. I’m having far too much fun down here.”
    Annabelle choked out a laugh as he continued to tease her into oblivion. He sucked on her clit, his fingers plunging in and out of her, and she came again, less than two minutes into the allocated five.
    Groaning, Matt lapped at her pussy, then gave her one last kiss before climbing up her body. He was bigger than Ryan, his chest massive, his thighs rock-hard as he straddled her, and there wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere on that body of his. He was incredible.
    So was Ryan, who, from the corner of her eye, she saw rise from the easy chair. A pang of disappointment, along with a spark of panic, filled her stomach. Was he leaving? He’d made such a big deal about this stupid list and—nope, he was only gone for a few seconds. He strode back into the living room, his jeans undone, his dick at full-salute, and tossed a small foil packet in Matt’s direction.
    Matt caught the condom skillfully, unwrapped it, and had the thing on before Annabelle knew it. Ryan settled in his chair again, staring at her as she spread her legs for Matt, as she let his friend enter her.
    Annabelle gasped as Matt filled her to the hilt. This entire experience was surreal. Surreal but unbelievably hot. Made hotter by the fact that Ryan sat a few feet away, watching her with another guy on top of her, listening to her moans and the sound of Matt’s flesh slapping against hers.
    “How do you like it?” Matt asked, brushing his lips over hers in a fleeting kiss. “Slow, fast, rough…I’m yours to please, Annie.”
    She swallowed, aimlessly pushing up him with her lower body. “Anything. Do anything,” she squeezed out.
    He grinned, then latched his mouth on hers, kissing her senseless as he pounded into her with his cock. She wrapped her arms around his strong, corded neck, holding on to him while he drove into her, again and again, but she kept her eyes open. Kept her eyes on Ryan. Pleasure began to rise in her belly, ripples of climax gathering and coiling tight, waiting to be released.


    Elle Kennedy
    “More,” she begged, lifting her ass to take him in deeper.

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