To Die Fur (A Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Mystery)

Free To Die Fur (A Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Mystery) by Dixie Lyle

Book: To Die Fur (A Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Mystery) by Dixie Lyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dixie Lyle
better to meet a lion that roars, because the silent one is hungry. ”
    “That sounds like good advice.”
    “Yes. In my experience, however, it is better not to meet a lion at all.”
    “But a liger is different?”
    He chuckled. “Augustus certainly is. A magnificent creature, truly. It breaks my heart to see him confined.”
    “Well, you made a pretty strong case. ZZ’s a big proponent of freedom herself.”
    “That is good. I also sense she is not a woman who responds well to threats.”
    “Not so much, no.”
    He nodded. “Then what will happen, will happen.”
    I heard a car coming up the driveway, just a little too fast, and said, “If you’ll excuse me? I think that’s our security chief now.”
    “Certainly. It is a lovely night to take a walk; I believe I shall do so.”
    Whiskey and I got back to the main entrance just in time to intercept Shondra. She walked right up to me and said, “Okay. He’s still in his room?”
    “As far as I know.”
    “Then let’s go talk to ZZ. I’ve got some information on Alvero Peralta, and it’s not good.”
    We went inside and found ZZ in the sitting room, sipping a cup of tea. She looked up when we entered, saw the expression on Shondra’s face, and said, “Oh, dear. How bad is it?”
    “Bad,” Shondra said. “Alvero Flores Peralta is a drug kingpin based out of Atlanta. He controls the meth trade there and in at least three neighboring cities. He’s known to have residences in Mexico, including one in the jungle that’s rumored to have a private zoo. It’s said he likes to feed snitches to its inhabitants.”
    “That’s pretty bad,” ZZ admitted.
    “It gets worse. Peralta’s biggest competitor was Augustus’s former owner, Branco Gamboa. So this isn’t just about a criminal’s arrogance; it’s a status thing. He wants the liger as a symbol of his power.”
    [And a convenient way to turn informants into snack food.]
    “Drug kingpins are big on symbols,” Shondra continued. “Not only would owning Augustus feed Peralta’s ego, but he could also use the animal as a weapon. Not a lot of people want to be eaten by half a ton of jungle cat.”
    “Most people would prefer not to be eaten at all,” I said. “We can’t let Peralta have Augustus.”
    “I’m not so sure,” said ZZ.
    Shondra and I both stared at her in shock. “What?” I said.
    “You’re not serious,” said Shondra. “If you’re worried about your safety—”
    “I’m not worried about my safety,” said ZZ. “You do an impeccable job. Besides, you know I don’t give in to bullies. No, I was thinking along different lines entirely. Do you think we could convince Augustus to eat him?”
    I blinked. Shondra grinned.
    ZZ smiled. “Sorry. My attempt to lighten the mood. No, of course we can’t let an amoral gangster get his hands on Augustus. But I want to be smart about this; the longer Mr. Navarro thinks I’m giving his offer serious consideration, the more time we have to come up with a way to get Augustus to safety without interference. I propose we think long and hard about it tonight, then meet in the morning to make some decisions. I’ll talk to Mr. Navarro privately beforehand, and give him the impression I’m going to acquiesce but that I can’t do so immediately without losing face. He’ll understand that sort of thinking.”
    “Misleading a killer?” said Shondra. “That’s a dangerous game to play.”
    “Yes, it is, dear—but I’m going to mislead a killer’s errand boy, not a killer. Ambassadors declare war, they don’t wage it. I’m perfectly safe with Mr. Navarro; it’s not as if he can simply murder me and steal Augustus. Whatever I tell him, he’ll have to consult with his employer before doing anything.”
    “True enough,” Shondra admitted. “Anyway, at this point, I’d rather have him here where I can keep an eye on him.”
    “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?” I said.
    Shondra gave me a cold smile. “If by

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