BILLIONAIRE (Part 3 & Part 4)

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Book: BILLIONAIRE (Part 3 & Part 4) by Juliette Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliette Jones
lightly, sliding across the silky furls.
    “Do it now,” I gasped.
    “No.  Not now.  I’m going to eat your luscious little pink pussy until it’s soft and ripe enough for me to insert these beads.  But that’s all you get for now.  You’re not going to come.  Not yet.”
    I didn’t tell him but I thought he might be wrong about this.  I was almost coming already, just from the gentle glide of his fingers, fondling the folds of my sex, slipping just inside me.
    “Put your mout h on me,” I breathed.  I wanted him so badly I didn’t care that I was practically pleading.  I could feel the very beginnings of my orgasm’s rise, the adrenaline surge, the light quickening.  “I want to feel your tongue inside me.”
    He looked at me, his eyes narrowing.  He stopped the movement of his fingers, like he could read my thoughts, seeing that he’d underestimated the heights of my arousal.  He lay me back on the bed, running his hands over my skin, cupping my breast to take a nipple into his mouth.  I moaned from the feel of his teeth, scraping against the sensitive bud.  He immediately disengaged, pulling back, and I made a soft sound of protest.  I let my legs fall op en.  I felt his gaze on me like heat.  I liked the feel of that warm lust, centering on my vulnerable, open nakedness.  And I wanted to tempt him further.  Still holding the round beads in my hand, I touched myself, gently parting my slippery petals.
    His breath caught as he watched me do this, and he let his towel fall to the floor.  He held his thick, rigid cock in one hand, stroking it in a languid rhythm.  “You are so fucking gorgeous , Lila.  I can’t believe how sexy you are,” he said softly.  “I’m going to come.  All over you.  Right now.  And tonight, I’m going to know, as you walk around and talk to my friends, and drive them all crazy, that my cum is all over your body.  And that these beads are inside your hot, wet little pussy, and that all I have to do is to slip my hand under the table, under the short skirt you’ll be wearing.  I’ll know that all I’ll have to do is brush my fingers gently across your clit, and you’ll come all over my hand, right there at the table.  You won’t moan or cry out.  You’ll look into my eyes and I’ll see the delicious pleasure washing through you.  And I’ll know it’s all for me.   It’ll be that easy.”  His breath was heavier now, his eyes smoldering.  “Do you want me to do that to you, Lila?  Do you?”
    With my hand still on my intimate folds , opening myself to him, playing my body, I reached my other hand to his cock.  His hands slid around mine, allowing me to help him stroke his silky, engorged length.  “I want this ,” I said, squeezing lightly, “to touch me here .”  I slid a finger deeper into my saturated core, rolling the cool beads against my hot flesh.  I tugged gently on his cock, rubbing my hand back and forth in a coercive rhythm.  Each time I moved my hand forward, I pulled him closer.
    But he wouldn’t give it to me.  He circled my wrists in his hands, like warm, living manacles.  “You’ll wait, like I tell you to,” he said.  There was a teasing edge to his command, but also a steely stubbornness.   He wasn’t going to give in to me.  “You’ll come when I say so,” he continued.  “When I allow it.  Only then.   And I’m going to make you wait tonight, sweet Lila.  I’m going to torture you like you torture me.”  He pinned my hands to the bed, kneeling down to breathe lightly on my sex, blowing little puffs of warm, caressing air.
    “I don’t torture you,” I protested, feeling the full burning force of my desperation.  “I give you everything you want.”
    He chuckled softly.  “You torture me, sweet, like I’m walking a fine line between heaven and hell.  Every second that I’m not inside you.  Every second my mouth isn’t tasting you.  How am I going to stand this when we’re

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