Rescue Me
He slipped two fingers inside her, andElizabeth 's breath snagged. "Because I'm such a far-thinking guy, I waited a full, interminable , year to be sure I wasn't going to be your transitional lover."
    She reached down and urged him to exert pressure where she needed it. "Rob and I had a very amicable divorce." It was hard to think, let alone try to talk. "I—I—Deeper. Yes, like that…Ahhh —I didn't need a t-transitional guy. But oh, God, Sam I wanted you too. From the moment I saw you." He withdrew his hand, and for a momentElizabeth lay there stunned. "Don't stop!"
    "Gottaget naked. Now." He finished unzipping, then pulled the tight-fitting fabric off his shoulders and down his body.
    After a shaky start,Elizabeth struggled out of hers too. And the only way she managed that was taking her eyes off Sam's cut abs and the swirls of crisp dark hair on his tanned chest. She wanted to lick him all over.
    "I must admit," she said, sitting up to yank down the legs—pretending that they were having a normal conversation only so that they didn't jump each other's bones instantly—"that—" God, they were so ready for each other that she wondered if they might jettison off the branches supporting the tent. She was in such a hurry to get naked, her hands shook.
    "When my husband told me he'd met someone else I was hurt." She kicked the entire black suit off and turned to see him watching her, his dark eyes gleaming in the false dusk inside the tent.Elizabeth placed both hands on his chest and pushed him onto his back. She followed him down. Using him like a very hard, not particularly comfortable, mattress. It was sheer bliss feeling his skin against hers.
    "Not a gaping wound hurt," she told him, nibbling a path from his throat to his chin, while his large hands skimmed down her back. "Because," she licked the curve of his lower lip, "we didn't have that kind of passion. But hurt that after I'd worked so hard to make our marriage work, he'd gone off and found someone else." She opened her mouth over his and found his tongue. She felt as though sparklers fired off in her blood.
    While she kissed her way to his ear, he scooped her hair off her neck and started tasting the tendons there, making her shudder. "Then you walked into the clinic that day in the middle of all my personal drama and I forgot everything."
    Elizabeth's mind went blank as his tongue traced an erotic path up the side of her throat and then swirled inside her ear.
    "A-All that testosterone, a black eye, your arm bleeding. And even though I thought you'd been in some skanky bar fight." She smiled at his growl of mock outrage. "I thought you were the hottest, sexiest man I'd ever seen."
    "Yeah?" he whispered directly into her ear.
    She shuddered. "Oh, yeah." It had been lust at first sight. "I thought you weren't interested." Struggling to make sense of her failing marriage, building a new practice, and paying off monumental med school loans,Elizabeth had been broadsided by her visceral and blatantly sexual attraction to a stranger when her
    life was already in an upheaval. She'd put Sam away to think about late at night. And think about him she had. With the way her life was going at the time, she was almost relieved that he hadn't felt the same immediate attraction that she had. If both them felt the same way, she imagined that it would have been impossible not to act on it. By his apparent disinterest,Elizabeth had managed to stay true to her marriage vows, however tenuous they'd been.
    Her brain was fogging. Sam flipped her over. It wasn't easy, the tent was barely big enough for the two of them. He leaned over her, his fingers tangled in her hair, his gaze hot, his thumb making lazy circles at her temple. "That kiss I planted on you six months ago didn't give you a head's up?"
    "It gave me pheromones and blood pressure up," she assured him, tracing the curve of his smile. Even though her body pulsed and throbbed, and she was wet for him, their lazy,

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