Wasteland (Flight)

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Book: Wasteland (Flight) by Lindsay Leggett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Leggett
he says. He moves to scooch closer to me, and a soft clink fills the silence. I glance down to find an open kit beside David’s belt pockets. Inside there are vials of a thick blue liquid, and a used syringe. I coil backward.
    “David, what is that?” I point at the needle. He snatches it quickly, closing it and zipping it back inside his belt pocket. His eyes shift back and forth. I know that look all too well. What is he hiding?
    “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” he says finally. I sit up, furrowing my eyebrows at him.
    “It is not nothing. What are you doing with that? What’s in it?” I press, but David’s face has already shut down. I’m not going to get anything out of him right now.
    But before I can protest more, my comm buzzes. I glance over. It’s Tor. I activate it.
    “Hey,” I say. David’s gaze remains forward, away from me.
    “Piper, I heard what happened. Are you okay? Your mom said you weren’t home when I stopped by,” Tor’s voice echoes from the speaker.
    “I’m fine. I’m just out with David,” I reply. Tor sighs in relief.
    “Okay, at least I know you’re safe. Dinner tonight? I feel like I haven’t seen you,” he says.
    I need to get out of here. If David won’t tell me what’s in that needle, then I’ll have to find out myself.
    “On my way,” I answer, then shut off the comm. I look over at my brother.
    “Are you coming?” I ask shortly. He shakes his head. He still won’t look at me.
    “I need some more time out here,” he says, voice monotone. I study him one last time, hoping he’ll come around, but it’s as if I don’t even exist anymore.
    I jog my way back to the city. I’m going to find out what the hell that thing is, no matter what I need to do.

    I meet Tor at our usual spot, a tiny, family-owned restaurant in West Central. It’s in the old part of town, where the Holo-sky consistently malfunctions, revealing the real sky—a grid of pipes and rusted metal.
    Tor’s already at our table. I rush in, waving to the owner, Freya, before scooching into the booth. Tor smiles and reaches for my hands, holding them over the table.
    “You didn’t have to run here, you know,” he teases, gesturing toward my sweaty forehead. I blush, snatching a napkin to wipe it away.
    “I was pretty far away. I didn’t want to keep you waiting,” I say. Tor’s smile remains, but there is a hint of sadness beneath his gaze. He knows I won’t tell him where I was. Just another secret to add to the list. I can’t wait until he makes Ace so that I don’t have to hide anything from him anymore.
    We order the usual, and the calmness of the steady hum of the restaurant soothes my nerves.
    “So, have you thought any more about it?” Tor asks. I furrow my eyebrows, confused. “Moving in with me,” he clarifies. I try to keep any shock from reaching my face. I’d totally forgotten all about it.
    “I’m sorry. Things have been so busy. It’s… you know, it’s not like I don’t want to move in with you. You know I love your place, it’s just…”
    “David,” he finishes. “I know. You don’t want to leave him behind with your mom. But Piper, we’re not kids anymore. You don’t need to base your decisions on the feelings of others, including me. You need to do what’s best for you,” he says. I smile at him, squeezing his hands.
    “You are the most understanding person I’ve ever known. How did I get so lucky?” I muse. He squeezes back, rubbing his thumb along my palm.
    “You’re just you. That’s why. How about this. Let’s forget about all of that for right now. I know you can’t give me the details of your mission, but are you really okay?” he asks.
    Flashes of the gassed village pass before me, and the blue eyes of that Harpy. The one who saved me. I push it all away.
    “I’m all good. Not even a scratch,” I reply, showing off my forearms that had just healed from the rope burns.
    And then we eat dinner like normal Humans; we talk

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