The Eyes Die Last

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Book: The Eyes Die Last by Teri Riggs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teri Riggs
“The last time I went to a political event where Louis was speaking and listened to him outline his plan to rid the city of undesirables, he suggested using any method to shut down prostitution.  I don’t believe he’d think twice about the use of force, creating an all-out witch hunt.” 
    “That’s exactly the way I felt when I listened to him speak.”  Marti stood up to leave.  “I’m sorry your friend changed so much over the years.  Hopefully the voters realize what kind of man he is.  He’d be dangerous in public office.” 
    “I take it you won’t be voting for Louis.” 
    “I wouldn’t vote for Mr.  St. Louis if he was running for dog catcher.” 
    Leave it to Marti to say exactly what was she was thinking.  He couldn’t hold back his smile.  “There’s always our current mayor.” 
    “Mayor Hildicam needs to retire and enjoy his golden years.  There’s only one really strong contender and that’s you, Mr.  C.” 
    “Thanks.  I think.”  Nick laughed. 
    With a wave of her hand, Marti left Nick alone and closed his door. 
    The polls showed Louis and Nick were in a neck and neck race.  He knew he needed to win over the League of Women Voters.  Because of his stand on prostitution, it would be a hard group to gain support from.  As a rule, women weren’t fond of hookers hanging around their city street corners.  They sure as hell won’t be eager to legalize it.  Nick would have to go for the stop-the-violence sales pitch. 
    Drugs, murder, and organized crime were probably the only dirty deeds women disliked more than prostitution.  And what woman in her right mind wouldn’t love to have more policemen on the streets protecting her and her children? 
    Marti stuck her head in his door. 
    “Mr.  C, there’s a news team from LVTVS here wanting to interview you about that prostitute’s murder last night.  They’re doing a piece about how the front runners in the race for mayor would handle the problems prostitution seems to create.” 
    “Is Ed Hershey with the camera team?”  Nick asked.  “I can’t stomach that blow-dried, Tom Brokaw-wannabe right now.” 
    She looked back over one shoulder.  “No, I don’t see him.” 
    After a moment of self-debate, Nick answered, “Sure.  Give me a couple minutes, and then send them into my office.” 
    “Bob Gilder.  Thanks for seeing us, Mr.  Campenelli.  We’d like your comments on the prostitute murder last night.” 
    They shook hands. 
    “No problem.”  Nick waved them to the chairs in front of his desk.  “I’m sure you gentlemen won’t mind if I record this interview for my own files will you?” 
    Nick pushed a button on his desk and a wall panel opened to expose a digital camcorder set-up.  Both men’s faces stiffened, and Nick smiled.  Every man in the room knew Ed Hershey would stoop to any depths to sensationalize a story, including slicing and dicing the film footage and twisting Nick’s words. 
    Nick leaned back against his desk as the cameraman hooked a lapel mike on his jacket and moved away, setting the camera up to catch both men’s faces. 
    “Mr.  Campenelli, the death of a young woman last night in the area known as “Hooker Haven” has once again brought up the issue of what needs to be done about prostitution and the problems it apparently causes.  What is your view on the matter?” 
    “I don’t agree that the ladies are the cause of the increased crime in that area.  What about the drug dealers that have moved into the area over the last few years?  Shouldn’t they shoulder some of the blame?” 
    Gilder made no comment. 
    “I feel the city needs to increase the police force to help protect our citizens.  We need to re-evaluate legalizing prostitution.  It should be a voter’s decision.  If we legalize it, we’ll be able to regulate and control prostitution more efficiently.  And the added tax dollars the city would receive would provide the extra

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