The Eyes Die Last

Free The Eyes Die Last by Teri Riggs

Book: The Eyes Die Last by Teri Riggs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teri Riggs
big concern for our citizens.  Under legalized prostitution, all sex workers will be required to take monthly tests for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in order to keep their licenses.  Condoms will be mandatory and fines for noncompliance will be high.” 
    Nick stood and paced to one side of his desk and back, holding his notes out in front of him in one hand.  He rubbed the back of his neck with the other. 
    “Pimping and all its associated problems will be better controlled.  The prostitutes will be paying taxes, and licensing fees will be required from all independent prostitutes as well as the brothels that open as a result of legalization. 
    “Continual fighting for control of the illegal business is another big problem we’re facing.  Gangs commonly battle each other, and it’s even been rumored the mob is joining the fight.  Out-of-state crime families are already knee deep in the online sale of prostitutes advertised as escort services.  This struggle for power stretches the already overworked police department to the limit.” 
    The Vegas phone book alone had over one hundred and forty pages of escort listings in the entertainment section. 
    He poured a glass of water and took a long drink as he sat back down. 
    “Metro PD and the Nye County Sheriff’s Department share the demanding job of patrolling the Washington Street area, but only Nye County collects the tax dollars earned from legalized prostitution.  Prostitution that takes place on both sides of the street.  I think it’s time Las Vegas receives its fair share of that money.” 
    A knock on Nick’s office door interrupted him.  He set aside his notes.  “Come in.” 
    Marti, his administrative assistant, entered.  “Mr.  C, I thought you might like a fresh cup of coffee to get you through putting the final touches on your speech.”                “That’d be great.  Thanks.”  He took the steaming mug. 
    “I went to one of Mr.  St. Louis ’ speeches last night and I tell you, Mr.  C, that man is very, very scary.  Were you really friends with him once upon a time?” 
    “Have a seat, Marti.”  Nick pointed to a chair, happy to take a break from his speech.  “Louis and I grew up together in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Las Vegas.  He’s two years older than me, but at one time we were the best of friends.  Neither one of us had much.  We wore hand-me-down clothes and knew what it was like to go to bed hungry.” 
    Nick took a drink of his coffee.  “Still, as long as we stuck together, things never seemed so bad.  Then, during my first year of junior high school, Louis’s dad died and he and his mom moved away.  I didn’t see him again until he moved back to Vegas two years ago.” 
    “He must have changed big time after he left.  He sure doesn’t seem to have much in common with you now.” 
    “You’re right.  Louis is a total stranger now.  He’s bitter and he loathes anyone who doesn’t agree with his religious or political views.  Louis is especially sour toward the city’s prostitutes.  He’s nothing like the boy I used to know.” 
    Of course Nick had changed too.  He’d gone from being a teenaged hoodlum on the streets to becoming a well respected, thirty-five-year-old businessman.  It seemed every venture he took on made him money.  Unlike Louis, Nick had changed for the better. 
    “I don’t know what happened to the happy-go-lucky kid Louis used to be.”  He leaned back in his chair and took another drink.  “A traumatic experience maybe?  Now he’s all fire and brimstone.  If Louis wins the election, I’m afraid many of the city’s people will fight against the strict limits that will undoubtedly be placed on them.  Vegas could erupt in violence unmatched since the days of prohibition.” 
    Marti shook her head.  “I knew the man was strange.” 
    He nodded and let his eyes drift to the sights outside his window. 

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