Fall From Grace

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Book: Fall From Grace by Christine Zolendz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Zolendz
Tags: General Fiction
were seeping into my skin.  It would be so easy.
    I changed into my sweats and laced up my sneakers.  I walked through the house trying not to be noticed.  The last thing that I needed was someone following me, but no one was around and whispers were coming from Lea’s room.  Relief flooded through me, a lone run.
    I dashed through the streets making my way into Central Park.  I started on one of the loops, but I stopped when I saw a familiar figure sitting on one of the park benches.  His white jacket reflected in the moonlight, making him look more angelic than was needed.
    “Gabriel,” I greeted him.  “I was just thinking about you.”
    He patted the bench and motioned for me to sit down.  When I sat down, he grabbed my hands.  The warmth radiating off him was almost sublime.
    “Hmm.  I find myself thinking of you too.  Why were you thinking of me?”
    “I’m so tired, Gabriel.”
    “I know.  You’re on the right path, though.”  Did he mean Tucker?  He smiled rubbing his index finger along my knuckles.  It was a strange gesture for him, he’d always gone out of his way not to touch me, and now every time he saw me, he made sure there was some sort of subtle physical contact before he left.
    “Gabriel, I really need to...”
    “I wish that I could do more,” he cut me off with a kiss to my forehead.  “I wish I could do so much more for you.”  Once again, he was gone, leaving me alone sitting on a cold park bench.  I clasped my hands together and tried to hold onto the warmth that still lingered on my skin from Gabriel’s touch.

Chapter 6
    I woke up the next morning to Conner and Lea singing a duet in the shower.  Laughing, I padded my way into the kitchen in my fluffy bear slippers.  In my opinion, Conner was definitely living here now, and they sounded so happy.
    Shane looked up at me from the kitchen table with an innocent look on his face.  “Morning, Sunshine!”
    Skimpy little tank top, boy shorts, floppy bear slippers and bed hair is not the way I wanted someone like Shane to see me.  I was betting on at least two weeks of insults to follow, but, he didn’t even look at my outfit and he didn’t give any snide remarks.
    I poured myself a cup of coffee and stirred in some sweetener, waiting for him to start with the teasing.  “Good morning.  Um, do you come here for coffee every day?”
    Shane got up from the table and ran his hands through his hair.  “We were going on a run, but he slept late.  I’ll be out of your way in a minute, unless you feel up to running with me?”
    I eyed him curiously.
    “Why the hell are you looking at me like that?  No strings attached.  I’m seriously just asking if you want to go running with me.  Nothing else.”
    “And you’re not going to start joking about me standing in front of you with this on,” I pointed to my outfit.
    His eyes never left mine.  Never looking at where I pointed.  “Well, I’m sure you’ll change if you want to go running.”
    I smiled at him.  I think he’s trying to be on his best behavior.  “Who are you and what have you done with that male chauvinist pig Shane?”
    “Har, har, har.  You coming or not?”
    “Sure.  Just let me change.” I turned to walk back to my room, and immediately regretted giving him that view of me with my short boy shorts on.  There was an audible sigh as soon as I did.  When I got to my room, I realized I was smiling.  Oh, that’s not good.
    We ran for a good two hours, not once speaking to each other.  It was the most comfortable silence I had ever experienced.
    We ended up back at my apartment.  I took a shower, leaving Shane sitting in the living room watching television.  The thought of Shane being in the next room and me in the shower made my mind go wild.  I tried to focus on Tucker and about how I could get out of our date on Wednesday, but Shane’s beautifully sculpted shoulders kept taking center stage in my mind.  What the hell?
    I tried

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