
Free Hobbled by John Inman

Book: Hobbled by John Inman Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Inman
beside him, Danny looked through the door to see if there was anyone else he should be ushering in, but the two Neanderthal furniture movers Luke’s dad had hired seemed to have headed back to their cave. Luke and Granger were alone. Another blessing from the fates.
    Danny closed the door and tried to ignore the hammering of his heart. “Use my bathroom. It’s got the walk-in shower. Top of the stairs to the right. Ignore the room next to it that looks like it was hit with a Tomahawk missile and then bombarded with hand grenades. That’s my room. It always looks like that. I’ll go find a bucket.”
    “Thanks,” Luke said and headed for the stairs. Danny watched the back of his strong, bare legs as Luke ascended the steps. The muscles in Luke’s hairy calves seemed to roll around with a mind of their own underneath their luscious reddish-blond pelt. God, they were beautiful. The thighs above the calves were even more beautiful. Danny closed his eyes before he got to Luke’s ass. He was afraid his hormones would ignite and he would go up in flames like a dried-up Christmas tree if he took a gander at that going up the stairs .
    Danny suddenly seemed to be infused with an avalanche of nervous energy. He couldn’t sit still. While Luke cleaned up in Danny’s bathroom, Danny went about the house like he had never been there before. Looking at stuff, touching this, rearranging that, adjusting a curtain, fluffing a throw pillow.
    Then he realized what he was really doing. He was trying not to think about what was going on in that stream of shower spray he could hear thrumming overhead. He was trying not to think of Luke stepping out of his clothes. He was trying not to think of the warm water sluicing down Luke’s naked body as he stepped beneath the spray. Trying not to think of the soapsuds gathering in Luke’s pubic hair and in his armpits and trying not to think of Luke rubbing his soapy hands over his bare wet chest and sliding his soapy fingers between those two gorgeous butt cheeks Danny had been afraid to look at when the guy was climbing the stairs. Did the warm water feel so good Luke couldn’t stop his own dick from standing up and saying hello? Was Luke soaping himself down now, fully erect? Was he sliding his frothy hand up and down that erection and were Luke’s knees beginning to tremble like Danny’s did just before he came?
    Jesus. Danny was hard now too. His imagination was getting way out of hand. Nothing new there, of course. Still, sometimes it was disconcerting as hell.
    He gave a little jump when the water turned off upstairs. He looked down at his dick, standing straight up like a tent pole underneath the fabric of his shorts, and knew he had to do something to make the damn thing go down before Luke saw it, so he set about gathering some food together and setting the kitchen table for the two of them. Luke obviously couldn’t do much cooking if there was no water in his house, so Danny would give him dinner. Luke must be hungry after moving all that furniture.
    But most importantly, setting the table and dragging the food out of the fridge gave Danny something to do that would take his mind off that damn erection he was sporting. He was trying to be neighborly here. He didn’t want to be waving his dick in Luke’s face when he came prancing down the stairs all clean and refreshed from his shower.
    Well, actually Danny did want to be waving his dick in Luke’s face—there was nothing he wanted more. Just not right now. And it would probably never happen anyway. Danny wasn’t that lucky.
    Luke appeared in the kitchen doorway like a sunrise, bright and beaming. Danny couldn’t stop himself from glancing down at his own crotch to see what state it was in. Happily, his pecker had deflated to a sociable size: still on red alert but not fully deployed. And through his baggy shorts, it hardly showed at all.
    Luke watched Danny glance down at his own crotch, so he glanced down at it too. He had

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