Going Deep
If she signed the
contract, he would make sure it never happened again.
hell. He just wanted to see her. He wanted to see the way she walked, see how
she carried herself in the vanilla world, see what kind of car she drove. He
wanted to know everything there was to know about her. That his need violated
Rule Number One, at least in spirit, did nothing to change his immediate
course. Even though she hadn’t signed the contract, he felt a responsibility
toward her all ready. He’d just watch and make sure she was okay. Really.
    The door opened,
and she strolled out, her head held high, her shoulders back in that I-am-woman
attitude he admired. Her fuck-me pumps dangled from the fingers of her left
hand, along with a large brown envelope he recognized. She was taking the
contract home with her. That was a good sign. But she shouldn’t be walking
across the parking lot barefoot. He should spank that perfect round ass of hers
for doing something so stupid, but he couldn’t very well do that without
admitting to watching her leave.
    She aimed a
remote key fob toward a late model silver Beamer and slipped into the driver’s
seat. He clutched his steering wheel in a white-knuckle grip to keep from
starting his car and following her. He already knew more about her than he
needed. Whatever she did in the real world, it paid well. Her car was
expensive, and he’d seen enough women’s clothes to know what little she wore
didn’t come cheap either. When her car was out of site, he relaxed his hold and
started his car. He made it home, driving practically on autopilot, his
thoughts still back at the Dungeon and the submissive who had the power to
bring him to his knees.
    * * *
    She reached for
the wine bottle then abruptly switched gears, selecting a diet soda from the
refrigerator instead. Her hand trembled, so she set the can on the counter to
open it. It was incredible to believe, but she’d only been gone a little over
an hour, and most of that had been the trip to and from the Dungeon.
    The whole scene,
from the time she’d met Todd to the moment her mystery Dom had left had taken
around half an hour.
    And she was
still shaking from the encounter.
    She sank onto
the sofa and stared at the envelope on the coffee table. She had every
intention of reading the contract, but realistically, unless there was
something truly shocking in there, she would sign it. Her whole body ached from
the physical strain, as well as the sexual. Something about the man made her
hormones stand up and sing, or kneel and beg as the case may be. She lifted the
soda to her lips and frowned.
    Good Lord. She’d
managed to drain the entire can without conscious thought, all the while
staring at the envelope. She set the empty can aside and picked up the
contract. Her hands were steadier, but her body still hummed with sexual
tension. For a moment, she considered doing something about it as he’d
suggested, but that somehow felt like cheating. In her heart and mind, she’d
already signed the contract. Her orgasms were his.
    She slipped the
papers from the envelope, reading the cover letter first. If she agreed, he
would see her tomorrow night. The hour he named was very late, but she could do
that. She would nap in the early evening, so she would be rested. As a matter
of fact, his orders directed her to do just that. As her Dom, he’d necessarily
have a measure of control over portions of her ordinary life, too, as it
pertained to their relationship. That would take some getting used to, but
since she’d thought of the nap idea before reading his order to do so, she
agreed it was in her own best interest.
    After reading
through the remainder of his instructions regarding their meeting tomorrow, she
turned to the first page of the contract.
    Clearly, Master
Jason was a detail-oriented person. Several times, a full-body blush covered
her skin as she read the frank descriptions of the kind of things he promised
to do to her, and

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