Dante’s Girl

Free Dante’s Girl by Courtney Cole

Book: Dante’s Girl by Courtney Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Courtney Cole
sudden, we are at the party. 
    Kids are laughing and joking, the fire is blazing in a warm glow that reaches into the dark sky, and the moon hangs heavy overhead.  The evening breeze is just slightly chilly, but in a good way.
    “Cold?” Dante asks me as I shiver.  He wraps his arm around my shoulders and his warmth makes me feel like I am home. 
    And then I feel stupid for thinking something so corny, but it doesn’t make it any less true.
    “Reece!” Mia shouts from the perimeter of the party.  She’s dressed in an off-the-shoulder dark purple sundress and is standing with Gavin. He grins from ear to ear when he sees me. 
    “Good luck with that,” Dante murmurs into my ear.  I smile.  If the worst thing I have to deal with is a good-natured Casanova, I’m in pretty good shape. 
    I head over to Mia while Dante gets waylaid by a group of boys that I haven’t met yet.  They’re wearing swim trunks and I can’t imagine why they aren’t shivering to death. 
    “Reece,” Mia greets me, handing me a wine cooler. 
    I take it, even though I don’t drink.  It’s not because I’m afraid to break the rules because I’m not.  I just don’t like the taste of alcohol.  I figure it’s an acquired taste and I simply haven’t acquired it yet.  I’ve put it on my list of things to do later.  
    “We’re going to have to go shopping tomorrow,” Mia tells me as she looks me up and down.  “Dante said that your bags are still in Amsterdam.”
    “Yep,” I answer, grimacing at my one outfit of clothes. “They’ll be stuck there until the airports open.  But when the airports open, I’ll be going to my dad’s anyway, so I guess my luggage will never make it to Caberra.”
    “Well, here’s to an excuse to shop!” Mia toasts, clinking her bottle to mine.  “I never need one, but it’s always nice to have.”
    I laugh at her because it’s apparent that she’s buzzing.  She was pretty reserved this afternoon and now she’s practically exuberant.  She’s done a complete one-eighty.
    “Thanks,” I tell her.  “My mom gave me her credit card to use in an emergency, and I think this probably qualifies.”
    “Dude, this totally qualifies,” she agrees.  “I’ll come pick you up at 11:00 a.m.  Will that work?”
    “That will be perfect,” I tell her gratefully. 
    Gavin chimes in, wrapping his arm around Mia’s slender waist.  “I’ll tag along, too, if you don’t mind.  I don’t have plans.”
    “Nope,” Mia tells him, leaning heavily into him.  “It’s a girl’s day. And you don’t qualify.  You don’t have the right parts.”
    “It’s better to have too many parts then not enough,” he informs her and she laughs. 
    “Gavin, I love you.  I really, really do.”
    He kisses her cheek and then behind her back, he mouths words to me . 
    She’s REALLY drunk. 
    I nod. That much is obvious.  I only hope that she remembers that we have a shopping date.  If I have to wear these clothes one more time, I might die. 
    “Can you take her for a minute?” Gavin asks, slipping Mia to me like she’s a child or something. 
    I put my arms around her shoulders so that she is leaning on me.  Gavin saunters off, already mouthing off to Dante, who is across the fire from us.  And then I realize that he totally just made an escape. And now I’m Mia’s caretaker.
    “I’m fine,” Mia insists to me.  She takes a step away from, stumbles, then slumps back into my side. “ Fine.”
    “Yes, you’re fine,” I agree with her, tightening my hold.  I wonder if she will pass out, then tighten my hold even more.  She winces, but doesn’t shirk away. 
    “Dante likes you,” she confides to me, in a not-so-quiet whisper.  “I can tell.”
    I look around quickly to see who is within hearing distance.  Thankfully, no one.
    “What makes you say that?” I ask curiously, my heart starting to stutter.  Dante doesn’t like like me.  There is no way.  
    Mia shrugs. 

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