Crawford said, looking at me. “Yes, he’s based in Toronto.…
“Okay, that’s just great. We’ll watch for the paperwork and get together next week to kick it off. We’ll also hammer out a more detailed plan. Thank you for this news, Kelly. We’re all in orbitaround here – pun intended. And we’ll do everything we can to justify your faith in us.…
“We are, too. Oh, and again, sorry about my reaction in the room today. I was a little hot because I knew what was still to come and that you would just love it. Turns out I was right.…
“No problem. You were well within your rights. Okay, well, we’ll get started. Bye for now and thanks again.”
He calmly replaced the phone in the cradle and held his hand there for just a second or two before leaping to his feet and pumping his fist so hard I feared he might dislocate his shoulder. Then he whooped a few times and did a brief but disturbing victory dance that was a little bit bump and grind and far too much Curly from The Three Stooges. It was actually quite frightening, but it really didn’t matter.
“Okay, folks, we can ditch the Project Crimson code name and tell the world that we’re NASA ’ S agency. We won,” he said, still catching his breath.
“Here’s the deal. Despite grandpa astronaut’s reservations, we won it on the Citizen Astronaut contest idea. The only catch is that there’ll be a condition in the NASA contract that young David here plays a senior role on the account team,” he said turning to me. “You impressed them. Congratulations.”
Amanda looked befuddled for just an instant, but then recovered.
“Okay, but I’m still running the Canadian program, right?”
“You’re looking fried and frazzled, Lauren.”
Oops. I was sitting across the kitchen table from my sister. She supported her forehead with the palm of her right hand and twirled a spoon in her tea with her left. She was not pleased.
“Thanks, jackass. That makes me feel so much better,” she said. “You’d look like crap too if you were up every half-hour through the night dealing with whatever Mom’s got going on at that precise moment. It could be pain, hallucinations, a congested chest, missing meds, or my favourite, a bedpan malfunction. Sometimes she calls and then doesn’t know why when I get there.”
Shit. I am such a tool sometimes. Okay, often.
“Lauren, I’m so sorry, I meant it, you know, sympathetically. Honest, I did. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but now that I’m here, I can find out. Let me stay here for a few days and you take a break at my place,” I offered again. “I’m here to share this. That’s why I came back.”
Lauren paused and then made eye contact for the first time since I’d arrived a few minutes earlier.
“David, you’ve been working 24-7 ever since NASA landed. We’ve barely seen you,” she replied. “Look. I know you’re serious and you mean well, but it just makes more sense for me to do this. You’ve got a big-time job now and I’m only part-time in a sleepy library branch. Besides, I don’t really think Mom would be that comfortable with you positioning her bedpan or changing her Depends. Her dignity is already in short supply these days.”
Ouch. That hurt. There was silence but for the clink of stirring spoon against teacup. I waited, knowing it was coming. There it was, the sound of guilt screeching to a halt and parking on my chest with a jaunty “Okay, I’m here. What did I miss?”
“I’m sorry I’ve been a bit out of touch the last month. This NASA project is huge and demanding. I’ve never worked so hard in my life, and it’s weighing pretty heavily on my rounded shoulders. We’re all working from the crack of dawn till 10 at night, every day. When we launch the contest next week things should slow down … somewhat.”
Lauren didn’t even look up, but kept stirring.
“So, is she feeling any better at all?” I asked.
She almost gave
David Malki, Mathew Bennardo, Ryan North