Spread over eight years.'
She nodded.
'Did he ever hurt anyone with that cosh of his?'
'No one's ever complained.'
'You're quite sure about the kidnapping? You don't think he pulled it without telling you?'
'He didn't do it! It's not his line. Can't you understand that?'
I decided to believe her.
'All right. I'll see what I can do.' I reached for the telephone and dialled a number. After a while a polite voice said, 'This is Mr. Francon's residence.'
'Mr. Francon in? This is Vic Malloy.'
'Yes, sir. I'll put you through.'
After more delay, Francon came on the line. 'Hello, what's on your mind?'
'An hour ago, Brandon, with a couple of dicks, picked up a guy named Nick Perelli at his apartment on Jefferson Avenue. They searched the rooms and found a gun. Brandon said it was the gun that had killed Lee Dedrick's chauffeur. They've arrested Perelli for the Dedrick kidnapping. I want you to represent him, Justin. Expense no object, and I want you to get over to Headquarters and look after him. They're pushing him around and I want it stopped. Will you do it?'
'Has he anything to do with the kidnapping?'
'I don't know. His girl, who ought to know, says he hasn't. It looks like a frame to me. Brandon couldn't know the gun was the death gun by just looking at it. He either brought it with him and planted it or he's guessing.'
'You can't say a thing like that!' Francon's voice was shocked.
'Off the record I can. It would be a terrific boost for Brandon if he could crack this case and steal a march on the Feds. I wouldn't put anything past him.'
'Who is Perelli, anyway?'
'He's a card-sharper with a record.'
'That doesn't help. What's he to you?'
'He did me a good turn once. As a personal favour, Justin, I want you to get down there right away and stop them working on him.'
There was a long pause on the line while he chewed it over. I didn't hurry him.
Finally, he said, 'I'm not sure I want this job. Brandon must have something more solid to work on than the gun.'
'Maybe he has, but that isn't the point. You're not going to let him hang something on this guy just because he's got a record, are you?'
Well, no. All right, Vic. I'll go over there and see him. But I warn you, if I think he's guilty, I'm pulling out. There's too much publicity tied to this business to be in on the losing end.'
'I still think it could be a frame. Take a look at him, anyway. And don't worry too much about what they've got on him. I'm going to take a hand in this, Justin.'
'Well, all right. I'll see what I can do. Better see me tomorrow morning at my office.'
'I'll ring you tonight.'
I hung up before he could protest.
Myra was watching me, an intent expression in her eyes.
'Who's that?'
'Justin Francon. The smartest criminal lawyer on the Pacific Coast If he believes Perelli is being framed, he'll never stop fighting until he's freed him.'
'Is he going down there?'
'You bet he is, and he'll block Brandon off.'
She lit another cigarette. Her hand was noticeably unsteady.
'I guess Nick knew what he was doing when he told me to come to you.'
From her that would be praise.
I finished my drink and stood up. 'Where can I reach you?'
'245 Monte Verde Avenue. It's a little green-painted shack on the left-hand side as you go up. I live alone.'
While I was writing the address down, she went on, 'This will take some money, won't it?'
'I told Perelli I'd be glad to help him any time, and it'd be on the house. That still goes.'
'Forget it. I owe him a stab in the belly. Now look. I'm going down to Police Headquarters right away. There's not much I can do until I find out just how much they have on him. I might even have a word with him if I'm lucky.'
'You mean they'll let you talk to him?'
'I don't know. The Homicide Lieutenant is a friend of mine. He might swing it.'
Just for a second the hardness went out of her eyes, and the red-painted mouth trembled.
'Give him my love,' she said.
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