The Recruit: Book Two

Free The Recruit: Book Two by Elizabeth Kelly

Book: The Recruit: Book Two by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
vampire closest to her and staked him through the heart.
    More howling could be heard and Will burst
through the trees.  He leaped on to the closest vampire, his mouth opening wide
and his teeth glistening in the dim light.  There was a loud wet, ripping noise
as he pulled the skin from the vampire’s face before burying his snout into its
throat and tearing the flesh apart.
    He howled as the vampire burst apart
beneath him, his snout covered in blood and ash, and Hannah watched as
Constance howled in response.  Together the two Lycans began to stalk the
suddenly terrified vampires.
    “Hannah!”  Chen shouted.  She turned and he
threw her swords to her.  She snatched both from the air as he pulled his own
from his belt.
    Just the familiar weight of the swords
brought a surge of confidence to her belly and, with a loud war cry, she turned
and waded through the mass of fighting vampires and humans towards Selena.
    The small woman was lying on her back on
the ground.  Sam was on top of her and they were struggling for control of
Selena’s gun. 
    Sam tried once more to wrench the gun free
from her hand, but Selena held on to it grimly.  He leaned over her.  “Bitch,
I’ll kill you!”
    She tried to head butt him and he pulled his
head back.  “You’ll have to be quicker than – “
    He stopped and Selena watched as his head
slid from his neck.  Hannah stood behind him, her sword slick with blood, and
pushed his body off Selena’s.  It landed on the ground with a muffled thump and
burst into ash as Hannah pulled Selena to her feet.
    “Okay?”  She asked.
    Selena nodded and then suddenly raised her
gun and fired over Hannah’s shoulder.  The vampire reaching for Hannah froze
and the two women skittered away.   It fell to the ground, a small black hole
burned into its forehead and the UV light pumping through the veins in his
    “Bad-ass bitch.”  Hannah grinned despite
the way her ears were ringing from the gun shot.
    “Let’s finish this.”  Selena muttered.
    Hannah nodded and, raising her swords, went
after a vampire that was closing in on Reid.  She stabbed it through the back
directly into its heart, yanking her sword out and turning away before it had
even fully died.
    “Not bad, sweetheart!”  Reid yelled at
her.  He had both of his guns out and he raised the one in his left hand and
shot a vampire that was trying to crawl away, directly in the chest.
    “Of course, guns are still better.”  He
shouted.  She flipped him the bird before heading towards Mallorie and April. 
Mallorie was struggling to hold down a wriggling, hissing vampire as April
raised the wooden stake high above her head.
    Before she could reach them, there was
movement to her right and she whirled around, her sword slicing through the
air.  Brent screamed in pain as his left arm dropped to the ground and blood
flowed down his side.
    “My arm!”  He screamed.  “You stupid whore!
 I’ll kill you for that.”
    Grinning at him, Hannah raised both her
swords.  “Don’t be like that, baby.  I’m just looking for a good time.”
    Brent swallowed hard and backed up a step.  “Listen,”
he whined, “just let me go and I promise I won’t come back to this town.  I – I
won’t even step foot in this state again.  Please, just let me – “
    Low growling could be heard and he peered nervously
behind him.  The biggest Lycan he’d ever seen was standing behind him, his
teeth bared and his head down.  Its yellow eyes glowed menacingly at him and
Brent held his remaining arm up in a silent plea.
    He turned back to see Hannah standing
directly in front of him.  “Looks like you picked the wrong group of girls to
party with, Brent.”  She winked at him.
    He had time to whisper a soft plea for
mercy before her sword was slicing through his cold flesh and lodging into his
    * * *
    “I was worried you were too drunk to hunt.”
    Hannah gave Will a cautious look.  They
were back at the

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