The Recruit: Book Two

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Book: The Recruit: Book Two by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
pullout just outside of the bar.  Mannie, Greg and Ryan had
picked them up at the park as sirens began to wail in the night air.  The
screaming had attracted the local police, and they had quickly driven out of
town before they could be seen.
    Now, standing next to the car and wiping
down her swords carefully, Hannah could feel the adrenaline still pumping
through her veins.  She stepped back a bit, putting some distance between her
and Will.  She felt like she did after her very first hunt – a mixture of power
and elation and underneath both those emotions, an overwhelming lust for the
Lycan.  Will, standing shirtless in front of her, was not helping.
    “I was.  I went to the bathroom and made
myself vomit – Selena too.”
    He gave her an admiring glance.  “Clever.”
    She shrugged.  “Necessary.  Both Selena and
I wouldn’t have – “
    She paused, staring at the bloody gash in
Will’s side.  “You’re hurt!”  She stepped closer and put her hand above the
gash, bending down to look at it.
    “Will – what happened?  We need to get you
to the infirmary.”  She bit back the panic and plucked the t-shirt out of
Will’s hand and pressed it firmly to the wound.
    “It’s fine.  One of the bloodsuckers got
his fingernails into me.  It’ll heal soon.”  Despite his dismissal of the
wound, he didn’t try and move her hand away.  She was standing so close he
could feel her hip brushing against his pelvis.  He stared down at the top of
her head before inhaling deeply.  The sweet scent of strawberries filled his
nostrils, and he felt a pang of loss in his belly. 
    With an unsteady hand, he brushed back a
piece of her hair that had fallen over her shoulder.  She caught her breath at
his touch and stared up at him.
    “Did you enjoy this hunt as much as your
first one?”  He asked softly.
    She thought about it for a moment.  “Yes
and no.  I don’t like luring them in the way we did.  I don’t like them talking
to me or touching me.”  She said honestly.
    She frowned.  “And they have this weird
thing where if you look at them too long, you just start to feel weak and
    “You resisted it well.  We should have
warned you about that.  I’m sorry.”
    She shrugged and looked up at the clear
night sky.  “Yeah.  At least it wasn’t raining this time.”
    He didn’t reply and she risked another
glance up at him.  Staring at the vampires had made her feel weak, but looking
at Will was just as bad.  Every time she stared at him or was close to him, she
could hardly resist the urge to simply climb the large Lycan like a tree.
    He was looking at her with barely-concealed
desire, and her pelvis throbbed deliciously in response.  She wondered if he
was remembering what had happened after the first hunt.  How he had pulled his
truck over and they had stripped off their clothes; how she had straddled him
and rode his cock until the pleasure had consumed both of them.
    He was still staring at her, his eyes dark
with desire, and without realizing it her lips parted in response.  He put his
hand on her hip; she could feel the hard heat of it through her dress.
    “Do you need a ride back, Hannah?”  He
asked hoarsely.  “I’d be more than happy to give you one.”
    “I’d love to ride you.”  She flushed.  “I
mean - a ride from you would be very nice.”
    “I do give nice rides.”  He grinned
wickedly when the blush in her face moved down into her chest.
    “You look lovely tonight.”  He suddenly
    “I did.  Now I’m just covered in ash and
blood.”  She couldn’t stop staring at him.  Couldn’t stop studying the familiar
line of his jaw, remembering the delicious pleasure/pain his stubble caused
when he had his dark head between her –
    “Will?”  Constance’s smooth voice broke
Hannah’s reverie and she stepped back guiltily, dropping the t-shirt as
Constance joined them.
    “Are you almost ready to go?”
    Will nodded as Constance

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