Stacey And The Mystery At The Mall

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Book: Stacey And The Mystery At The Mall by Ann M. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M. Martin
don't have any proof about this. Mr. Morton would think I was nuts."
    "So what do we do now?" asked Jessi.
    "Keep our eyes open, I guess," said Mal. "We're just guessing about those kids. I mean, even if they are at the mall a lot, that doesn't mean they're actually living there. And if they are, and they've been taking things like towels, that doesn't explain the big stuff that’s been stolen. I mean, what would those kids do with a treadmill?"
    Claudia nodded in agreement. "Besides, what about the guy Stacey saw? He sure wasn't a kid. So far, this doesn't really add up. There are still a lot of questions."
    Everybody was quiet for a few minutes, and I sat there looking out the window and thinking about the guy in the stockroom. I knew it would take me a long time to forget the sight of the man in a ski mask. I wondered if we were doing the right thing, getting involved in this mystery. I really hoped we could help
    solve it, but it could be dangerous. I mean, if it was only about kids living in the mall, that was one thing. But that seemed to be just one small part of the puzzle. Something else was going on, too, something serious. The only thing I was sure of was that I did not want to run into that guy again anytime soon.
    The bus was driving through Stoneybrook by then, and I watched as we drove by the elementary school. The playground and playing field were empty, since it was almost suppertime. I thought about some of the kids I usually sit for, and realized that I had been missing them — especially Charlotte Johanssen, who is like a little sister to me. As much as I liked Project Work, I realized, I'd be happy when it was over and I could return to my life of school and baby-sitting. Baby-sitting is hard work, but all I could think about as I sat there on the bus was how simple and uncomplicated it usually is. I mean, you may have to deal with a dirty diaper or two, but shoplifters and burglars in ski masks don't enter into the picture.
    When we reached SMS, my friends and I jumped off the bus. I was still feeling a little upset, and Claud noticed. "I'll walk you home, Stace," she said.
    "That’s okay," I said. "I'm all right. All I need is to go home and have supper with my
    mom. I just want to forget the mall for a while."
    "Are you going to tell your mom what happened today?" asked Kristy.
    "I don't know," I said. "I guess not. She might ask me to quit working at Toy Town, and I don't want to. I want to be at the mall with all of you, and help set up the day-care center and everything. And I really want to solve this shoplifting mystery, so things can get back to normal."
    "It’ll be okay, Stace," Kristy assured me. "We won't do anything dangerous."
    "That's right," said Mary Anne. "We're just going to keep our eyes and ears open."
    "But do me a favor," said Claudia, "so I don't have to worry about you." She grinned at me. "Stay out of that stockroom, okay?"
    I nodded. "You don't have to tell me that. From now on, if somebody wants Baby Tell Me a Story, she'll have to go get her herself!"
    Chapter 11.
    "Let's see. The Perkins girls all have colds, Buddy Barrett won a prize for his science project, and Jamie Newton is in a play at his preschool," said Shannon. It was Friday, and we were in Claud's room, having a BSC meeting. Shannon had been writing in the club notebook regularly, but none of us had had time to read it, so she was filling us in on what was happening with our regular clients.
    "It sounds like you've been really busy," said Kristy. "I hope you're not too overwhelmed."
    "Oh, no, I'm enjoying it," said Shannon. "Answering the phone is no problem, since I'd be here anyway. And sitting so much is a nice change from my regular routine. Plus, the kids are so cute. I think Shea Rodowsky has a crush on me."
    "Really?" asked Claud, grinning.
    "Yeah," said Shannon. "He's been writing me poems and everything."
    "I miss Shea," Kristy said with a sigh. "I even miss Jackie."
    Jackie Rodowsky is Shea's younger

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