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Book: Seduced by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins
she answers. “I do think this is all happening a little fast though. I mean a couple of days ago you weren’t even sure you wanted to move. Now you’re going in a week?”
    “I know. It’s kinda crazy.”
    “A little too fast?”
    I reflect on the question, letting it sit in my mind for a moment. Then I shake my head. “No, not too fast. I want to go. I want to be with him. I really think I am ready for a change, and this feels right.”
    “Good,” she says. “That’s how it should feel. No regrets that way.”
    We fall into silence again, which is very unusual for us. It feels unnerving.
    “We should start planning your first visit!” I try to lighten the mood. “You are always saying you wish you had a tan.”
    She laughs. “That’s true! Trade in my signature Washington white.”
    “Besides, you’ll have to come help me find a dress for my first red carpet. We both know I’d be hopeless on my own!”
    “I don’t know if your beau can afford my styling fees,” she teases.
    I playfully shove her and laugh.
    “Then, maybe we’ll find you a tall, handsome reason to make a permanent relocation.” I nudge her.
    She wrinkles her nose at me.
    “No tall and handsome? Hmm, okay, a short, fat reason?”  
    “Oh Ash, don’t be so difficult. You know one day you’re gonna get over this stubborn streak and meet someone who changes your mind about love!”
    “Doubtful,” she says.
    I don’t argue with her. I’ll just wait patiently for my ’I told you so’ moment.
    I leave Ashley’s a little while later and start walking back home. Halfway there I get a text. A quick glance shows me that my mom has texted me three times. I guess I didn’t hear it when I was at Ashley’s.
    I read through the messages, frowning at the screen.
    The gist of it being that she wants to talk, sooner rather than later.
    I sigh and click the call button.
    Might as well get it over with.
    “Hello, dear,” she answers, her voice quiet and almost strained.
    “Hi Mom. I just got your messages.”
    “I want to know what’s going on. You stormed out of Valerie’s house before we could really get a chance to talk this all out.”
    Oh, for crying out loud!
    “First of all, I did not storm out of Val’s house. Second, I was trying to talk to you, both of you, but all you guys wanted to do was shoot me down and tell me that you think I’m making a huge mistake.”
    “I never said that!”
    “You didn’t have to, Mom. Your feelings on the matter were very clear, without being vocalized.”
    She’s quiet for a beat. “I just don’t want you to get hurt again. That’s all.”
    “I know that. I don’t want to get hurt again either. But things are different now and you’re just going to have to trust my judgment. All I wanted is for you to be happy for me.”
    “Well I’m finding that difficult to do right now.”
    “Why? Because I’m moving? Or because I’m with Brandon?”
    “Both! I know it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth,” she says. “Last thing I know you were practically engaged to James, and now he’s gone and you’re running away to California with Brandon to live out his dreams!”
    Her answer stings. I feel like she just reached through the phone and slapped me across the face.
    “Seriously? I’m happy and in love and moving to a new place, full of potential and the chance for me to really do something with my life outside of this bubble we live in and you, my own mother, refuse to be happy for me? Explain that, because I must be missing something.”
    “I’m thinking about the big picture here. What happens when he breaks up with you again? Then you’ll be in a strange city all alone, and God only knows what will happen to you. You’re not married, so there’s no security. You’ll be left with nothing at the end of all this.”
    I’m shaking, I’m so angry. I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that she just assumes that we’ll break up, or the fact

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