
Free Seduced by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins

Book: Seduced by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins
    “I know. It’s terrible timing, but he’s right. I have to take advantage of the exposure,” he says. “I called my mom already, and she said I should go. She’s been feeling a lot better. Her exact words were that she no longer needs a warden.”
    I smile, knowing that’s exactly how she would have said it.
    “I figured I could go, and then you can come join me whenever you’re ready. I know it will take time to get things settled here.”
    My mind fills with everything that needs to be done. I have to give my notice at work, tell my landlord, pack everything, find a way to ship it, say my good-byes…
    I push back the wave of anxiety and look into Brandon’s eyes, and in that moment I realize that he is my home. The only place I want to be is with him. All the other stuff can be sorted. It’s just details.
    “It will take a little finagling, but I think I can manage with that timeline.”
    Brandon looks shocked. “Really?”
    “I might turn into a Tasmanian devil, but yeah,” I say with a smile. “Let the adventure begin!”

Chapter Twelve
    The next day is a whirlwind of planning. Brandon spends most of the morning organizing the logistics of hiring a team of movers to come and load everything into storage containers that can then be shipped down to California. I work on sorting through everything and determining what should be shipped, what needs to be packed to come with me for immediate use, and what can be given away.
    Brandon and I decided he will fly back early next week, get things set up on his end, and get back to work. Then I will join him the week after, so I have time to get everything ready without completely losing my sanity.
    I stop working only long enough to visit Ashley to break the news to her.
    On my way to her house I make a detour to the café to pick up two coffees and a few pastries—to soften the blow—and to let my boss know I need to leave sooner than originally planned. She takes the news fairly well, although I can tell she is stressed. I try to force aside the guilty feelings.
    I make the drinks quickly, leave the shop, and walk to Ashley’s. I knock softly and she answers after a minute. Her hair is piled on top of her head, and she’s wearing her glasses, which probably means she’s in the middle of working—because she only wears them when she is making jewelry or reading.
    “Hey! What are you doing here? Did we make plans and I forgot?” she says, looking confused.
    “No, I just need to talk to you.”
    “Sure. Come in,” She backs up so I can go inside. We settle onto the sectional style sofa in her living room. I offer her the cup of coffee, and she takes it eagerly. “What’s up? Coffee and scones? Do I need to be worried?”
    “I’m going to California.”
    “Really? That’s exciting! When do you leave?”
    “The week after next.”
    Her expression shifts. She looks down for a moment. “Wow. That’s so soon.”
    “I know. Brandon had some stuff come up for work. He’s leaving in a few days and then I’ll be going once I get everything settled here.”
    She nods. “I’m happy for you guys. I guess I’m a little surprised.”
    “Yeah, it’s all very sudden. He’s at the house now, making the arrangements. It’s kinda crazy over there.”
    “Do your parents know?” she asks.
    I sigh and tell her about the meeting with my mom and Valerie the day before.
    “Drama, drama,” she says when I finish.
    “Mmmhmm,” I agree, taking a long sip. “I haven’t talked to either one of them today. But they probably won’t even miss me, they’re so busy planning the baby shower.”
    “Probably. Let them get it out of their systems. Sounds like you’re going to be too busy packing to really do anything about it anyways.”
    We are quiet for a moment, each sipping our drinks.
    “You don’t think I’m being an idiot, right?” I ask, replaying Valerie’s words from the night before.
    “No, I don’t think you’re an idiot,”

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