The Better Baby Book

Free The Better Baby Book by Lana Asprey, David Asprey

Book: The Better Baby Book by Lana Asprey, David Asprey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Asprey, David Asprey
inflammation and intestinal imbalance. Many food allergies are reactions to lectins.
    The best thing you can do is to stop eating wheat (this includes bulghur and couscous), but if you still choose to, sprouted wheat is your best choice because lectins are destroyed when grains sprout. Wheat is so prevalent that it can be difficult to avoid. Nonetheless, removing it from our diet made us feel a lot better. We think it's a must.
    If you do choose to eat unsprouted wheat, you can deal with the lectins by supplementing with N-acetyl-glucosamine and D-mannose (take them with the wheat). Lectins are more attracted to these sugar molecules than they are to others, so the sugars serve as effective decoys to bind any lectins in the gut and escort them out of the body.
    Corn (Maize)
    Corn is very susceptible to mycotoxins, and these days it's often genetically modified. Corn products are used in almost every processed food in supermarkets across the United States. The most common corn product you'll find is corn oil, one of the bad oils. This widespread use makes avoiding corn difficult.
    Any animal that has eaten corn is just as unhealthy as the corn itself, and most farm animals are fed corn. This is one reason we recommend meat and butter from grass-fed cattle in the next chapter. Any product containing corn, any product refined from corn, and any product made from an animal that ate corn poses a high risk for exposing your baby to mycotoxins, the dangers of GMO foods, or excessive amounts of omega-6 fat and carbohydrates.
    The only corn we eat is locally grown, organic, non-GMO corn on the cob in the summer. And even then, we eat it infrequently because it's so high in sugar.
    Certain Legumes
    Legumes, including soy, peanuts, and lentils, are not the health foods they've been made out to be. They are too high in sugar and carbohydrates and contain high amounts of antinutrients like phytic acid, and they tend to be very allergenic and difficult to digest. Traditional cultures used these foods only after a long period of soaking, sprouting, and fermentation. There is little benefit to adding these foods to your diet and some risk.
    Even though a wide range of products made from soybeans have been marketed as a health food in recent years, research proves that (unfermented) soy is extremely unhealthy. Most soy products in the United States are not fermented. Unfermented soy is a problem for the following reasons:
    1. It contains dangerous quantities of antinutrients, which are substances that block the body from absorbing important nutrients. The most notable are hemagglutinin, goitrogens, and phytic acid. Hemagglutinin promotes unhealthy blood clotting and blocks oxygen. Goitrogens prevent iodine from reaching the thyroid. Without iodine, the thyroid can enlarge and malfunction. Phytic acid blocks the body's absorption of essential minerals like calcium and magnesium.
    2. It has lots of phytoestrogens, which do damage by mimicking estrogen inside the body.
    3. It contains lysinoalanine, a known toxin, and nitrosamines, which are known carcinogens.
    4. It has harmful levels of the mineral manganese and dangerous amounts of aluminum from being processed in aluminum containers.
    5. It has a high risk of contamination with mycotoxins.
    6. It is almost always genetically modified.
    As you can see, soy has pretty much everything going against it. Fortunately, it's easy to avoid processed soy in the United States because it must be listed as an ingredient on product labels.
    Most soy in Asian cuisine is different because it's been fermented. Fermentation greatly decreases the antinutrient and phytic acid levels. Fermented soy products include tempeh, miso, and natto. Most of these products are still highly processed and artificial, though, and soy sauce naturally contains MSG. To avoid GMO soy, make sure that any fermented soy product you eat is organic, or better yet just don't eat it at all.
    Even in areas of the world like Asia

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