With His Protection (For His Pleasure, Book 15)

Free With His Protection (For His Pleasure, Book 15) by Kelly Favor

Book: With His Protection (For His Pleasure, Book 15) by Kelly Favor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Favor
going like this.”
    “I’ll be dead if you don’t fuck me by then.”
    “I don’t think so. I think you’d love it if I got you so wet that just the head of my cock sliding inside of you could make you come.”
    “I’m already there.”
    “I’ll be the judge of that,” he told her. He slid her pants and panties down from her hips, just low enough that her bare, swollen mound was starting to be exposed. Then he began to toy with her, using his fingers to rub and massage the sensitive skin above her pussy.
    “Oh shit, I’m going to come,” she said. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth.
    “Don’t be silly,” he said.
    “I—I can’t stop it.” She clutched his shoulders as his two fingers slowly slid beneath her soaked panties and plunged into her contracting tunnel. Her legs tightened and flailed and she cried out even louder than before.
    He began slowly moving his fingers in and out as he leaned in and sucked her nipples again. His one hand cupped her breast as his tongue flicked the nipple, his other hand maneuvering between her legs, making her pleasure increase like a thermometer stuck in boiling water.
    “Fuck me,” she said again. The urgency was all too real. She was gone, all of her fears had gone, he had melted off all of her reservations, one by one they’d been destroyed.
    And now all that was left was Bryson, his hands, his body, his tongue, lips, and those eyes, had penetrated every last bit of her.
    Bryson sat up and pulled his shirt off, tossing it over his shoulder. His muscular upper body was glistening with a thin sheen of sweat.
    Outside, the rain had started up in earnest and Scarlett could hear the steady patter of it against the windows and building. She felt as though they were in a warm, dry cocoon together, and it was the height of luxury. Nobody could hurt her in this place, and she knew safety and love as she’d never known it before.
    Bryson leaned down towards her, the sinewy muscles of his shoulders bulging as he held himself above her. “Unbuckle me,” he said, his lips hardly moving.
    Scarlett reached down to his pants and fumbled for his belt, undoing it as quickly as she could. She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling them down past his hips, her hands straying to feel his muscular buttocks momentarily, as his boxers came off.
    She could see his enormous cock as his boxers fell, and he was stiff and thick and erect, engorged with excitement. Bryson grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand down, so that she was in contact with his shaft. Immediately, she grasped it and began stroking him, her palm already slick with his excitement. She began stroking faster, watching with rapt fascination as Bryson’s eyes fluttered closed.
    “I want you inside me,” she breathed. “I’m so fucking wet for you.”
    “First, your mouth on me,” he commanded.
    She smiled, her heart speeding. Oral sex was very intimate and enjoyable for her, in a way that was different from vaginal penetration. The thought of taking Bryson into her mouth, controlling his pleasure, his excitement, knowing that he would want to come as she did so…She relished the challenge of breaking his will.
    Scarlett licked her lips, still stroking him.
    Then she quickly moved to the floor, on her knees, while Bryson stood with one leg on the floor and one leg on the couch and allowed her to begin sucking him off.
    She was gentle, thinking about his lips on her nipples, how it had driven her to near-madness.
    The more she teased him, licking and stroking, the more she sensed him starting to come nearer to climaxing himself. His breathing was rapid and his eyes were closed.
    His cock was thrusting into her mouth, trying to speed up. She held him off, not allowing him to get what he was after. When Scarlett finally began sucking him in earnest, he was almost ready to explode.
    “Damn it,” he hissed. “I’m practically going to come.” He pulled away from her, his body covered in sweat.
    “You can

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