Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4)

Free Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4) by Harmony Raines

Book: Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4) by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Raines
Tags: General Fiction
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    Taylor jerked hard and fast into her, his hand sliding beneath her to hold her firmly so he could impale her completely. She nipped his neck, her nails digging into his back as her orgasm crested and then seemed to begin again. An endless wave of pleasure thrilling her body. Her mate was here, deep inside her, possibly even making a new life at this moment with her. One day soon their child would be running and playing with his cousin Callum. But not if they moved to Bear Bluff, and as her orgasm ended she knew she had to find a way of making this work.
    Taylor stayed inside her, his cock softening, but he didn’t want them to part. And she wouldn’t complain. His body heat warmed her, the chill air resting on her cool skin. They kissed and caressed, exploring each other’s body. Finding where they were ticklish and where a simple touch could ignite arousal.
    At last, he moved off her. “I should go. I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to get back to Bear Bluff, and I daren’t be late for work again. Trent will forgive me once, but not twice.”
    He passed her clothes to her, and retrieved his own. Dressing however took some time, because they had to stop and touch each other, caress each other, needing to feel that connection, that closeness. She loved that he enjoyed her curves. That her round voluptuous body turned him on. He spent endless minutes kissing her nipples when she was trying, unsuccessfully, to out her bra on.
    He cupped them together, licking her taut buds with the flat of his tongue, and then circling them until her nipples were swollen and sore. “I thought you wanted to go home,” she said, feeling the heat pool between her thighs.
    “I don’t want to, but I have to.” With a groan, he dragged himself away. “I can’t wait until you move in with me, then I can fuck you whenever I want. Which I think will be every spare minute. My cock seems to have a mind of its own.”
    She knew what he meant; her body craved his like a drug. However, she remembered how Kian and Alli were at the beginning of their relationship, until the first glow of their new loved had blossomed into something else. Something deeper, not so caught up in the physical pleasures of their bodies, more in their emotions. Melanie’s mind conjured up all the ways they could please each other, until their love deepened and her arousal grew. He was right, they needed to live together as soon as possible or else she would go quietly insane. The need to mate with him was so strong. She became resigned to leaving here, leaving this life.
    “I will pick you up at seven. If I have a chance earlier, I will come by and pull your car out of the ditch.”
    “Thank you,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and breathing in the scent of him one last time. Pine woods and earth, just how a bear should smell, she thought. “I will see you tomorrow.”
    “I can’t wait. And please, don’t worry if my brothers tease me. It’s all in good fun. Word has already got round I have found my mate.”
    “I can’t wait to meet them,” she said, hoping that when she met his family they might make the thought of moving to Bear Bluff easier. She only wished more of his brothers had mates so that she would have other women around her. One thing she would miss was the closeness between her and Alli. Yet she knew that even if she did make friends, it could never be the same as her relationship with Alli.
    Her sister-in-law had been the first person to take a chance on her, by giving her a job at Bear Brides.
    Feeling melancholy, she stood and watched Taylor’s truck disappear into the snow, noting that Vic and Marjorie had already left. Thinking Kian and Alli had probably headed to bed for an early night, she went into the house quietly. Surprised to find Kian waiting for her.
    “Hi,” she said, going to him and kissing his cheek. “I thought you would be in bed, Kian.”
    “I wanted to make sure you got in

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