Satin & Saddles
on the couch with her legs curled under her. “I feel like I’ve been out on a lake all day.”
    “Funny, so do I,” he said in a teasing voice and sat close to her.
    Déjà vu. It was last weekend all over again, which him sitting next to her on the couch and the two of them drinking something alcoholic.
    It took no time at all to down the first beer. This time he went to the kitchen to get them each a second.
    She found herself wanting to tackle him. He looked so damned sexy with his wind-tousled hair and his features that were even more deeply tanned. He smelled of sunshine and the outdoors. The way she was feeling, this time she didn’t want him to go home.
    “I was serious about the shower,” she said after she finished the second beer.
    He raised an eyebrow. “Need someone to throw you in?”
    She gave him a teasing grin. “Just try it.”
    He moved off the couch so fast that he surprised her by scooping her up in his arms. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck as he started for the hallway. “Where’s your bedroom?” His voice was deep, almost guttural.
    “Last door on the left.” She swallowed as the feelings of desire and lust overtook her.
    Their gazes locked, he strode toward her bedroom. He looked away long enough to find the right doorway and set her on her feet by the bed.
    “Are you sure you want that shower?” he murmured as he pulled her hair out of its ponytail and let it fall to her shoulders. “Or do you want me to leave. Slow, remember?”
    She shook her head, leaned toward him, and grasped his T-shirt in her hands. She kissed him hard and pulled back. “I really need your help.” She looked him up and down. “Hands-on help. You’re going to need to ditch your clothes unless you want them soaked.”
    Heat burned in his gaze that stayed focused on her as he shrugged out of his shirt and let it drop to the floor, then toed off his athletic shoes. He pushed down his jeans and boxer briefs and then he was completely naked.
    She couldn’t take her eyes off of his gorgeous body, a body that would feel hard and good against her soft skin. His cock was thick and long and she wanted to touch it, taste it.
    He went to her and sat her on the edge of the bed. She swallowed at the nearness of his naked body as he knelt and grasped one of her sandals and slipped it off before letting it fall toward the carpeted floor and then he removed the other.
    Next he caught the hem of her tank top with his hands and pulled it over her head. Beneath that was her purple bathing suit. He tugged off her jean shorts and tossed them aside.
    “You looked so damned sexy all day,” he murmured as he ran his finger lightly along the strap of her bathing suit. “And I love your body, all of your curves.”
    The low timber of his voice and the admiration in his gaze sent a thrill through her belly that moved on between her thighs.
    He helped her to her feet and then he helped her strip out of her bathing suit. And then she was naked and he studied her with a look filled with as much passion and need that she felt inside.
    She took him by the hand and led him to her bathroom and her hand felt small in his. When they reached the shower, he leaned in and turned on the water and adjusted it to the right temperature.
    When she stepped under the spray it hit her full in the face and she let it run down her body and soak her hair with its warmth. She turned and blinked the water from her eyes as she faced Dillon.
    They traded places and she watched as water ran in rivulets down his powerful body. She reached out, almost tentatively, but then with more purpose as she pushed her hands over his muscular chest, feeling the strength in every movement he made as he wet his hair and body.
    She moved her palms lower so that they were skimming his abs. “Do you lift weights to get all these incredible muscles?”
    He smiled. “Just good old-fashioned hard work.”
    “Nice.” She moved her hands back up his chest to his

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