Final Play (Matchplay Series)

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Book: Final Play (Matchplay Series) by Dakota Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Madison
her desk. “I travel a lot. I don’t like every day run-of-the-mill souvenirs so I collect instruments everywhere I go. ”
    “Tell me why you like traveling so much?”
    Ella flopped on her bed and patted the spot next to her as an invitation. I eased onto the bed carefully and lay down next to her. “Should I take my shoes off?” I suddenly felt guilty about wearing my dirty loafers on her pristine lace bedspread.
    She kicked off her slip-on sneakers and they landed on the floor. “Does that mean you want to play footsy?” she teased.
    I removed my shoes and carefully placed them on the floor next to the bed. Then I relaxed next to her. “I thought you were going to tell me why you like traveling so much.”
    “I never said I liked traveling,” she corrected. “I said I did it a lot .”
    She got a faraway look in her eyes like she was remembering something. Maybe her past excursions?
    “Why do you do it if you don’t like it?” I asked.
    It took her a moment to respond. “Maybe the same reason I go out with so many different guys. It’s an escape.”
    “An escape from what?” I probed.
    She leaned back on her overstuffed pillows and let out a slow breath. “An escape from myself. Although I’ve figured out that no matter how far I run, the part of me that I’m trying to escape from is still right there with me.”
    I couldn’t resist the temptation to run my index finger down the porcelain skin of her upper arm. “Does that feel good?” I asked. “Or do you want me to stop?”
    “I don’t want you to stop.” 
    “Good.” I continued to move my finger down her forearm. Then I lightly caressed all of her arm with all of my fingers.
    She glanced up at me through her long lashes and smiled.  “You’ve making me shivery.”
    “Also good.” I turned her hand over and caressed her palm. When I thought she was a bit more relaxed I asked, “So why the need to escape from yourself.”
    Her eyebrows narrowed like I was asking the dumbest que stion in the world. “Because I’m crazy.”
    “I haven’t seen any evidence of you being crazy,” I stated.
    Her expression turned serious. “That’s because I’m currently medicated. I’m complying with my doctor’s orders. I’m being a good girl.” I noticed a hint of sarcasm in her tone.
    “Maybe I like it when you’re a good girl.”
    She turned away and looked up at the white stucco ceiling. “I feel like a muted and hollow version of myself when I’m on meds. It’s as if the bright light that should be shining from deep within me has been dimmed.”
    I couldn’t imagine a more dazzling person than the one next to me. The light she exuded was so bright it sometimes felt overpowering. I couldn’t image what it would be like if it was brighter. She would probably have the capacity to completely consume me with illumination of any greater intensity.
    She turned to face me again. “Does that scare you?”
    “Yes,” I admitted.
    Her expression turned more serious. “I can’t promise I’ll stay on my meds forever. And I may not always be this stable. You should be aware of that.”
    I knew the comment was one I needed to address but at that moment, I didn’t feel like it. All I wanted to do was touch her. Be close to her. Be near her. I don’t know why I had so much trouble keeping my hands off Ella. I was normally the master of restraint around women. But Ella was different. Ella’s skin felt magnetic.  I ran my fingers down her delicate cheek. “Do you like that?” I asked.
    She nodded.
    “How about this?” I leaned over and placed another soft kiss on her lips.
    “I love that,” she whispered. “Can I have more?”
    She read my mind. I pulled her close and devoured her lips and mouth. I was overcome with so much raw desire, I suddenly felt like an animal let loose on its prey. When I was able to break free because I needed some air, I had enough time to regain my senses. “We need to stop.”
    Disappointment seemed to

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