The Secret 05 Ella and Micha: Infinitely and Always

Free The Secret 05 Ella and Micha: Infinitely and Always by Jessica Sorensen

Book: The Secret 05 Ella and Micha: Infinitely and Always by Jessica Sorensen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Sorensen
time goes by, the more… I don’t know… I could see myself getting really into this.”
    Smashing my lips together, I press back a smile, not wanting to get too excited until I know that she’s one-hundred percent okay with this. “Are you sure you’re good with this? Because you can always tell me how you feel. You know that, right?” (
    She nods. “I do. And I’m not going to lie; I’m still scared as hell, but the idea of this”—she gestures at the last image on the canvas—“it makes me feel kind of bubbly inside sometimes when I think about it.” (
    I let my smile slip through. “Good, because it makes me really, really happy.” (
    “Are you sure?”
    “Of course. I mean, I’m terrified as shit, but in a good, nervous, scared sort of way.”
    When she smiles, I scoop her up in my arms and hug her tightly.
    “Best Christmas present ever,” I say then press my lips to hers.


Chapter 11
    A little less than two months later…
    As I stand in front of the alter, waiting for the minister to pronounce Ethan and Lila husband and wife, all I can think is, my feet hurt so bad.
    At a little over four months pregnant, heels were not the best choice of footwear. But, I love Lila enough that I’m trying to be a good sport and suck it up. Besides, she did have to go to over five stores to find the perfect bridesmaid’s dress that would fit over my little belly.
    To endure the pain, I focus on the best man standing across from me, looking smoking hot in a black tux. I never really thought a tux could be sexy, but I’ll admit, I think my mind was changed today.
    When Micha catches me checking him out, he winks at me. My stomach flutters with butterflies as I think about the time we stood up in front of our friends and swore our love for each other.
    Lila and Ethan decided to keep it pretty simple—well, simple for Lila. There are maybe fifty guests tops, consisting of her friends and family. She didn’t invite her mother or father and seemed pretty content about that. Ethan’s family did show up, though, which is a little surprising.
    Lila’s dress, on the other hand, is anything other than simple. The silk and lace trails down half the aisle, and the corset top is embellished with flowers and diamonds that weave around her waistline. Her blonde hair is pinned up and curled, and a tiara glitters from the top of her head.
    “And I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minster announces, drawing my attention back to the ceremony. “You may now kiss the bride.”
    Ethan and Lila lean in for a kiss, giggling under their breaths, which makes me giggle and Micha laugh. Lila glances at me perplexedly when she notices my laughter. I simply shrug then point to my stomach, blaming it on my hormones.
    Shaking her head, she grins then links arms with Ethan and heads down the aisle. Micha and I do the same, following them, but unlike Ethan, Micha reaches behind me and sneakily pinches my ass.
    I snort a laugh, although thankfully, we’re out of the chapel and in the hallway by then.
    “Not fair.” I pinch Micha’s ass back.
    He laughs, wiggling his arm out of mine so he can skitter out of my reach. “That was way harder than mine.”
    Lila sets her bouquet of roses down and places her hands on her hips. “You two are relentless. Seriously, it’s my wedding day. Can’t you just chill for like a couple of hours and stop fondling each other?”
    Micha and I exchange a wary look. “Maybe,” we say simultaneously then sputter a laugh.
    Ethan steps up to the side of Lila and swings his arm around her. “Relax, wife.” The word causes a grin to spread across Lila’s face.
    Moments later, Ethan pinches her ass then bolts out the door toward the limo parked outside.
    “Oh, he’s so dead for that.” She marches after him, the train of her dress swishing behind her.
    Micha and I take hands and follow them out, getting into the limo that will drive us to the reception. On the way there, Ethan

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