Lady Alexandra's Excellent Adventure: A Summersby Tale

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Book: Lady Alexandra's Excellent Adventure: A Summersby Tale by Sophie Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Barnes
    “And you don’t think she’s spoiled? It sounds to me as if she’s been allowed to run wild for far too long. Indeed, she’s not a child. She’s a young lady who ought to be dressed in fine muslin gowns and—”
    “Go for strolls in the park or sit about painting water color pictures and such?” Ryan interrupted. “Good luck convincing her of that.”
    “You don’t agree?” Michael asked with much surprise.
    “I think I might have a different perspective because of my closeness to her.” Ryan told him. “You see, I admire Alexandra tremendously. She’s not only thwarted the stringent rules of society but she’s done it so remarkably well. In truth, I don’t understand how you can fail to respect her for that.”
    “It’s not that I am not impressed by her. Indeed, it’s rather difficult not to be, but surely you must admit that sending a woman into harm’s way like this is irresponsible.”
    “I am certain that you must have attended your fair share of balls where you were introduced to hordes of young ladies—very eligible ones with a proper upbringing. Ladies who could sing for your amusement while playing the pianoforte, as if they’d never done anything else but that their entire lives. Ladies in exquisitely cut gowns, bonnets tied with bright ribbons, and hands that have never done anything more strenuous than write a letter in perfectly lined calligraphy. Ladies who will never argue your point, but always nod their heads in agreement because their sole purpose in life is to please you .”
    Michael frowned. Yes, he knew precisely the sort of women Ryan referred to, for he had met them all. It was one of the reasons why he kept his mistresses and refused to marry.
    “To put it plainly,” Ryan continued. “They are all exceedingly dull. Not a single one has an adventurous spirit like Alex, not one dares to speak her mind; and whenever one of them laughs, her heart is not in it—it’s rather a trained sort of sound that they must have practiced at for hours in order to perfect.
    “I for one have scoured the ballrooms of Mayfair in search of a lady who does not fit the description I have just given you. After all, where is the fun in having the same wife as everyone else? Is it not better to find a woman who is unique? Who stands out?” Ryan asked. “I do believe that I would find myself lucky to meet a woman with as much spirit as my sister. After all, life might become a touch unbearable with a dull wife to see to every day for the remainder of my days.”
    Michael couldn’t help but see the truth in what Ryan was telling him. “And how does William feel about this?” he asked. “Being the eldest, he has a duty to fulfill. Or does he plan to shirk it as I do?”
    “Not at all, but he does share my opinion of the ladies we have met thus far. He too hopes to marry someone with a bit more character than those women whose only ambition in life is to marry well. Growing up with Alex has made us realize women have much more to offer than society trains them to express.”
    “I must admit you have a point,” Michael muttered, though it did very little in strengthening his resolve to stay away from Alexandra. “Although I would never have thought to consider it, I must agree that your sister would certainly make for a more interesting companion than most. However, it does seem to be beside the point.”
    “Perhaps,” Ryan mused.
    “Besides, she’s by far the most unruly woman I have ever met,” Michael said.
    Ryan chuckled. “I am sure she is. However, given the circumstances, I would still like to know what your intentions are.”
    Michael stiffened. “My intentions? What the devil are you talking about, Summersby?”
    “Well,” Ryan began, “judging by the way the two of you went at each other’s throats, I suspect you’ll either wind up killing each other or getting married. I would like to know which it is going to be in case I need to make arrangements,” he

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