The Adventurer

Free The Adventurer by Diana Whitney

Book: The Adventurer by Diana Whitney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Whitney
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
desert? ” she repeated dumbly. “You mean cactus and sagebrush, that kind of thing? ” “No cactus. The place I’m thinking of is more chaparral and button willows Quite nice, actually. Fresh air, sunshine , no telephones.
    You’ll enjoy it.
    I’ll bring lunch. “
    She blinked in confusion. “
    “Was there an invitation buried inside that glowing testimonial? ” “As a matter of fact, there was. ” His heels scuffed together and he bent in a mock bow. “Would madam care to join this unworthy knave for an exhilarating day of exploring nature? “
    “Yes, actually. Madam would. ” Had she really said that?
    His grin widened. “I’ll pick you up at seven a.m.,” he said, then touched two fingers to his forehead and disappeared out the door. Jessica was still trying to figure out why on earth she’d agreed to such a thing when rustling bedclothes captured her attention. Crandall swiveled the extension table away from his lap. “Do you think that was wise, Jessica? ” She sighed. “Probably not, but I haven’t been anywhere in so long I’m going stir-crazy. Besides, it sounds like fun. ” His brows wrinkled in that paternal frown that she both despised and adored.
    “You must be careful not to exert yourself. “
    “I will. ” “It might be prudent to inform Devon of your illness so he’d be better prepared to-” “No!” Frustrated, Jessica pushed back the chair and stood. “We’ve discussed this before, Crandall. I’m not a pathetic, fragile creature and I won’t have people treating me as though I am. “
    “I’m sure that won’t happen. “
    “Oh, right. ” She issued a dry laugh. “And I didn’t have five hysterical messages on my machine this morning because I wasn’t available to answer the phone. “
    He had the grace to look embarrassed. “Perhaps I overreacted”
    “A tad. “
    “I was concerned about you. “
    Jessica heaved a conflicted sigh. “I know. You’re a dear, dear friend and I appreciate your concern. ” That was true enough although Crandall’s frequent “overreaction” had convinced her just how vital it was to maintain secrecy throughout the arduous course of recovery. After all, Jessica had a lot of friends. If she’d told everyone and even half of them mimicked her boss’s smothering protectiveness, she’d have been a complete basket case. As it was, she regretted telling Crandall, although ethically she’d had no other choice. Since Jessica held a key position in the company, Crandall had the right to understand her situation in order to make informed decisions about reassigning her duties. Or terminating her entirely. Despite horror stories of employers who’d fired ill workers , Jessica hadn’t seriously believed that Crandall would ever do such a thing. She had, however, feared a job shuffle in which she might be given a less demanding assignment ; but that hadn’t happened. Crandall had been unfailingly supportive. She loved him for that, even if his constant fretting about her health drove her crazy. Crandall spoke suddenly. “There are so many people who care about you, Jessica, people who need the opportunity to support you through this difficult period with their good wishes and friendship. “
    “I have support, ” she insisted. “I have my family and I have you.
    Frankly, that’s about all the support I can handle” Sighing, she sat on the edge of the mattress. The past six months had been a grueling ordeal, emotionally as well as physically. There had been so many lies, beginning with a fabricated European vacation story used to conceal her ten week recuperation period.
    The deception was taking its toll but the alternative would be worse.
    Jessica feared that if her friends and co-workers found out about her illness, they might treat her differently She couldn’t bear the thought of being clucked over or babied or, God forbid, pitied. It was just easier to keep the whole maudlin mess under wraps, at least for a while.

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