Callie Marries Four Brothers
Callie Marries Four Brothers
    Nikki Palmer
    Cover Art by Shaina
    Copyright 2011 by Nikki
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    This is a complete
re-working of a story previously published as Callie Marries the
Brothers. Callie lives in a society where most women have been
killed by disease. She is required to marry four brothers the day
she turns 18. Will she be able to adjust to this
    All characters in this work
of fiction are 18 years of age or older. This book is intended for
mature readers, only.

    Visit Nikki Palmer’s blog -
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    Callie sat nervously chewing
on the end of her pen during her history class. Tomorrow was the
big day. She’d be marrying the four Simpson brothers. She’d also be
turning eighteen. Of course, the fact that she’d be a year older
was going to be totally eclipsed by the wedding. And, of course,
the wedding night.
    “ Miss Jones? Are we
disturbing your thoughts?” Mr. Stein’s voice cut into her
    “ I’m sorry, sir.” She
jerked her head up and tried to concentrate.
    He stared at her for a
moment, trying to figure out what was wrong. She was usually his
most attentive student. “Tomorrow’s your birthday, isn’t it
    She nodded, looking down at
her desk. Everyone in the room knew what it meant when a girl had a
birthday during her senior year of high school. It meant she was
taking the day off, and coming back a married woman.
    There were only fifteen
girls in Callie’s graduating class of sixty. It was September, and
she was the first to turn eighteen, thus the first to
    “ Well, I certainly
understand pre-wedding jitters. Would you like a pass to go speak
to the counselor?” he asked kindly.
    If the counselor had been a
woman, Callie may have agreed to that. Instead she shook her head
and said, “No, thank you. I don’t want to miss class.”
    “ That’s fine. I’ll make
sure I record tomorrow’s lecture for you so you won’t miss anything
on the test.” He wrote himself a note to that effect.
    “ I appreciate that, sir.”
Of course, the history lecture she’d miss would be far from her
mind tomorrow.
    She did her best to
concentrate on her note-taking for the rest of the class, glad that
she had lunch next and could talk to her best friend. Jocelyn
always knew the right things to say when she was
    When the bell rang, she
gathered up her things and walked through the halls to the
cafeteria. She didn’t speak to anyone on her way, totally caught up
in her thoughts and worried about the following day. She walked
through the cafeteria line and thanked the worker when he handed
her the tray with her food on it.
    As soon as she left the
line, her eyes scanned through the crowd until she found her
friend. She walked to the table and collapsed beside her. “Are you
    Callie held up her hand
which was visibly shaking. “I wish you could take off school to be
there for the wedding,” she said.
    “ I know. My dad said it was
absolutely out of the question. I’ll be missing next month for my
own, and he doesn’t want me to get behind.”
    Callie made a face. “It’s
not like we’re allowed to do anything with our education. But I do
understand.” She squeezed her friend’s hand. “I wish you could be
there anyway.”
    Jocelyn smiled. “We’re doing
the big bachelorette send-off at Gabe’s at six tonight.” Gabe’s was
the local hang-out. They offered their venue for half price for all
of the

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