over the ages on his side.” He continued. “These thieves probably do not know this and that is why they didn't take any chances by entering our bedrooms.”
We searched the rest of the mansion for a few more hours. We were in the den when I decided to ask another question.
“How old is Darian?” Xavier seemed a bit reluctant to tell me. “I'll keep his age a secret.” I promised, hoping to convince him to tell me.
“Very well,” he sighed, smiling. “He'll be sixteen hundred and fifty years old on August 24 th .” His smiled widened as he looked at me.
My shocked expression must have tickled him pink, I could not help it. It's not every day you find out someone is over a thousand years old!!!
“Damn! No wonder he's so jaded!” I exclaimed. “Yes, 'he's been there and done that', as they say.” Xavier said chuckling.
“Sorry to break you two lovebirds up, but Sergio and I have picked up a few scents and we're ready to go to the club now.” Elise interrupted, she stood in the doorway, hands on her hips.
“Good, let's go.” Xavier said, not wasting any time.
We left the mansion and drove at neck-breaking speed towards Desires Unleashed. We walked inside the offices and saw that they were in the same condition as the mansion. It was a good thing Darian was rich, he was going to need the money to fix all the damages. We searched out the strip and dance sections of the club. Xavier even led us to a part of the club I had no idea existed. Dare I say it was a bordello! The lock was broken, and the door rested on one hinge. The four of us walked inside, the shifters immediately started scenting the room. Sergio chuckled but didn't say anything. After a few minutes they left and only Xavier and I remained. I looked around the room, it was decorated somewhat like a high-class salon. There were cushioned chairs in the waiting area. A customer service desk, where I supposed “appointments” were made. There was a big screen television and a rack with nothing but adult reading material.
“I don't know quite what to think about all this.” I said as I surveyed the room.
“Yes, it's a bordello, one of the best in the country thanks to our 'highly skilled' employees, if you catch my drift.” Xavier chuckled. “Come on, we have a long night ahead.”
We entered several bedrooms, each had their own theme decoration. For example, one room was all red with a rotating bed...kind of cheesy, but some people might enjoy that. Another room, which I thought was pretty creative was almost like the universal vision of heaven. It was all white, the bed looked to be one big comfy cloud. There were sheer white curtains which really brought out the beauty of the room. All-in-all, it was a glitzy bordello, not that I'm the expert on adult “funhouses”.
As I searched, I almost did not want to touch anything, but for Annette, I decided to bite-the-bullet. I made some connections, and we continued our investigation. Xavier led me to Annette's office as I looked around, I felt my throat tightened and I choked back the tears. Xavier pointed out the objects that Anthony used when he had the office. I touched the computer, the stapler, the movie memorabilia paperweight. The various items I touched sent little tingling sensation through my fingertips as connections were being formed with each contact.
“Xavier, why haven't you called the police to report all this?” I asked.
Xavier turned around and looked at me. “Because the police would ask questions that I don't have the answers to. There would be too much speculation and we don't have time to deal with a police investigation right now. Everything has been dealt with accordingly.” He walked toward me. “What is the matter?” he asked inquisitively.
“What did you do with the bodies?” I asked.
“We have contacts that help us with this sort of situation, meaning the disposal of bodies. Those who had family members will be notified and funeral services for