Forty 2 Days (The Billionaire Banker)

Free Forty 2 Days (The Billionaire Banker) by Georgia le Carre

Book: Forty 2 Days (The Billionaire Banker) by Georgia le Carre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia le Carre
force.  I feel the excess fluid trickle down my thighs.  
    But it is not enough.  
    I rock my hips mindlessly.  Looking to fill that ache.  Where his fingers cannot reach.  Begging him with my body, with every jerk and every gasp, but he will not give me that.  His fingers pump with a steady, forceful tempo, pushing me towards a rough, humiliating climax.
    Which comes while I am standing on one foot like a stork, my body twisted open.  The rapture is explosive.  My muscles lose all their strength and I sag against the wall behind me. The dizzying roar of my own blood abates to a dull thud.  He looks at me with frosty eyes.  He wants me to lower my head in shame while he pretends he has felt nothing.  But I know different.  My eyes defiant, I lift a hand and cup his hard erection.  
    ‘ You are as aroused as I am.’  
    He smiles.  ‘Sure,’ he drawls.  ‘I want to fuck you.  What man wouldn’t?  To tell you the truth, babe, I’m drowning in lust.’  
    He lets go of my leg and with rough hands grabs me by the upper arms, whirls me around, and pushes me forward.  My palms and forearms hit the wall.  My right cheek is pressed against the cold surface of the wall and my breasts are crushed into it.  He takes the hair that covers my face from his gaze and hooks it behind my ear.  He wants to watch me.  My eyes swivel desperately to the side to look at him, but I cannot see him.  
    ‘‘ You taste and smell the same, let’s see if you feel the same,’ he says, and, lifting me slightly off the ground, grasps my thighs and spreads them wide apart.  My shoes fall off with a dull thud.  He returns my bare feet to the ground soundlessly.  His large hands grab my hips and tilt my lower body so it is perfectly aligned with his cockhead.  For a second I feel him tease me by running it along my clit and then he drives into me.  
    The impact makes me shudder and my breath catch in my throat.  My mouth opens in a soundless cry.  I draw a breath quickly.  Prepare myself for the next swift thrust of pleasure.  It comes before I am ready.  This time I cannot help it, I utter a strange cry, but my muscles are already clenching him and sucking him even deeper into my body.
    He sets up a rapid pace.  Every wild plunge into my depths has me jerking in response.  Slowly I am lifted higher and higher until I am standing uncomfortably on the tips of my toes, my hips tilting higher and higher, wanting more and more of the gloriously thick invasion.  My thighs and calf muscles are so tense they start to ache and my heart is beating so fast I feel it thudding like a drum inside my ribcage.  My sex becomes a greedy, hungry mouth sucking at him.  
    I force myself to hold my body in the same position while he hammers into me until, with one last painful thrust that I register at the base of my womb, he calls my name and finds his climax.  His cum is slick and hot inside me.  For a second his nose nuzzles in the crook of my neck and then he rouses himself and pushes away from me.  
    I don’t turn to face him, but slowly set my heels down to the ground and push myself away from the wall.  I will gather myself a tiny bit more before I turn again to face his condemnation.  I feel weak, raw, bruised, abused, vulnerable, but…satisfied.  I should have felt shame, but I don’t.  I love this man.
    I turn around slowly.  
    He is dressing quickly.  While buttoning his shirt with his back to me, he says, ‘I will get Laura to send you a morning after pill.’
    A stray thought.   A bit late for that, mate .  If he knew.  If he only knew.  I say nothing, suddenly feeling my nakedness.  Soon he will be dressed and I will be the only naked one in the room.  I begin to walk to the bathroom.
    ‘ Wait,’ he orders. I long to cover myself, but I do not.  He cannot humiliate me.  I will not allow it.
    When he is fully dressed he turns and looks at my exposed body. It is masked well, but it is still there,

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