The Rules of Ever After

Free The Rules of Ever After by Killian B. Brewer

Book: The Rules of Ever After by Killian B. Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Killian B. Brewer
Cauchemar, she shrugged.
    “Katerina, right?” Phillip asked.
    She nodded in assent and they began walking out into the hall­way. “You can call me Kitty if you’d prefer.”
    “Kitty? Huh. That’s cute.”
    The girl blushed and dropped her chin again. “A friend gave that nickname to me. A friend I’d like to talk to you about.”
    “Well, Kitty, you’ll have to forgive my anger and the terrible things I said earlier. I just fear for my kingdom’s safety if I marry a false bride.”
    “I have a few fears to discuss with you, too,” Katerina said quietly.
    “Katerina,” her aunt interrupted and grabbed the girl’s shoulder. “No need to bend the prince’s ears with silly girlish fears. Henry, are you coming as well? I think you should get to know your future daughter-in-law.”
    “Coming, dear.” The king stood to follow them. “You are cer­tainly confident of this girl’s chances.”
    “Yes. I am. And so no one will question her virtue, I think you two need a chaperone.”
    “I’ve never needed an escort with the other girls.” Phillip stopped and looked at Cauchemar.
    “Well, those weren’t true princesses, now, were they? But Kat­erina is the real deal.”
    “If she passes the test.”
    “She’ll pass.”
    ”We’ll see,” Phillip mumbled. Looking at the pretty girl on his arm, he said, “So, Kitty, would you like to walk along the walls and see the ocean? A good brisk walk in the salty air will help make sure you are good and tired before bed.” He reached over and slid the ruffles of her dress off her upper arms onto her shoulders. “These frilly things look better up here, and besides, you might get chilly.”

C hapter 5
    “Nice and quiet,” Phillip whispered to himself as he inched along the wall toward the testing chamber door. Looking up and down each side of the hallway, he checked to make sure he was alone before grabbing the iron handle on the chamber door. “Just slip in, put the tonic in the water carafe and slip right back out. Kitty sleeps, you escape again, and no one is any the wiser.”
    Phillip felt uneasy as he gently pushed the door open just enough to slip through. He did not like having to alter his usual manner of dealing with his intended brides, and he knew putting something into someone’s water was very wrong. However, Cauchemar had refused to leave Katerina’s side, and he was at a loss for what to do. Phillip assumed she would escort her so-called niece into the chamber and even sit with her all night, so he would not be able to offer the tonic while saying goodnight. “Stupid woman. I wouldn’t put it past you to have given the girl a potion to make sure she stays awake.”
    As he slipped into the room, Phillip was surprised to find it not completely dark. A small lamp burned on the tall table beside the head of the bed; the light from the flame danced off the cut-crystal edges of a water carafe and scattered flickers of light around the chamber. Of course . Pierre must have lit the lamp when he brought in the water. Not that I need any light. I know this path all too well now. Well, on with the business at hand.
    Phillip crossed the room on his tiptoes. Why am I sneaking? The future love of my life is not in the bed. Still, no need to alert anyone that I am in here or the jig is up . By the time he reached the footboard, his eyes had adjusted to the dim light of the lamp. He grasped a rung and began his climb to the top of the stack of mattresses. As he neared the top rung, a snuffling sound from the darkened corner near the doorway made his ears prick up. Freezing on the spot, he squinted to see if someone was coming.
    Relax—probably just a rat . Phillip pulled himself up the final rungs. As his head came level with the mattresses, he could see that the water carafe was empty. Great, I will have to get the carafe, fill it and sneak back in here. I don’t have time for all that . With a sigh of frustration, he lifted his leg over onto the

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