Where Courage Calls: A When Calls the Heart Novel
lessons.” She gestured around enthusiastically. “It’s plenty big. Room for all. And we already got a chalkboard painted on the back o’ that board. James and Gabe, they’ll hang it up for you every day. It’ll be all ready tomorrow—if you are.” All eyes fixed on Beth’s face.
    Purposefully, Beth placed her cup back on its saucer and met Frances’s gaze, the words of Father’s verse playing over in her mind. She swallowed nervously. “I’m not certain I can be ready by tomorrow.” She offered a feeble smile around the room and hurried on, “But I shall be pleased to begin lessons on the day after that. At any rate, I shall do the best I can.”
    There was a collective sigh of relief and then a flurry of voices and activity. It sounded like the women had not been certain that the new teacher would be willing to remain when she saw what they could offer. Beth’s heart was already warming toward them, seeing their delight that those fears hadbeen allayed. Only Edward stood aloof before their happy exclamations.
    When the coffee and sweets were gone and the ladies were dispersing, Edward drew Beth aside. His voice was strained as he said, “The driver is ready to leave, Elizabeth. And you should come too. This is unacceptable. Your father would not approve of this situation.”
    She raised her eyes and searched his face. “I think he would, Edward. I truly think he would. It’s just—well, it’s that I hope I am up for the challenge. I wish I had been better prepared.”
    He shook his head and stooped closer to whisper, “It’s too much to ask of anyone, Elizabeth. No one could properly teach under such conditions.”
    Beth’s mind was already whirling with preparations to be made. She turned for another glance around the room. Edward grasped her elbow and pulled her nearer. His voice softened to plead, “No, Elizabeth. Let them send someone else. Let them send a man—”
    “They already sent a man, Edward.” Beth drew in a deep breath. “It’s my turn now.”
    He released her and turned to leave, frustration evident in his whole demeanor. Beth hurried after him, bursting into the bright sunshine. She squinted against the sudden light and trailed Edward to the car. Instantly she realized what a fearful thing it would be to watch the car take him out of sight.
    “You’re not angry, are you?” she said to his back. He paused and turned, and she approached cautiously. “Edward, are you angry with me?”
    “No, Elizabeth. I have no reason to be angry.” But his tone was severe.
    “Then why . . . ?”
    His hand reached up to push the lock of hair from his eyes.“It’s too much. All of this. It’s just too much. And it’s my fault—at least some of it is. You should have your things—your clothes—your books. I wish . . . I wish I could . . .” He faltered. “I’m so sorry.”
    Words failed Beth too. She wanted to tell him that she wasn’t angry about what had been stolen—Father had reminded her that such travel hazards were commonplace. And also that she realized now how very important his job as a Mountie would be. She wanted to thank him for traveling with her and seeing her safely to her destination—to know that his presence had been a comfort after all. She wanted to tell him that he was indeed her friend and that she hoped he could understand her decision to stay—even perhaps to gain his approval. But Edward was re-entering the car, and the driver had already started the engine.
    “So soon?” she gasped out, taking a step forward before the door closed.
    “Good-bye, Elizabeth. I shall do what I can on your behalf. I’m so sorry I couldn’t do more.” He pulled the door shut and the car pulled away, circling back awkwardly in the narrow street and moving again toward her. Beth caught one last glimpse of Edward’s stern face. She turned her back against the dust that the automobile raised. He was gone.

    W HERE YER BAGS AT , MISS ?” A man standing

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