Kiss of Darkness

Free Kiss of Darkness by Loribelle Hunt

Book: Kiss of Darkness by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
what kind of security arrangements they have over there. You wouldn’t want them teleporting into here,” he pointed out.
    He was right, but that wasn’t what he was thinking about. She bit back a laugh at the anticipation and glee she saw on Dupree’s face. Normalcy was good. Tall and broad, with skin as black as midnight, he was a valued member of her team, indispensable in a fight and cool under fire. But Dupree behind the wheel of anything motorized was more than a little scary. If they were driving, he was on his own.
    “I think I’ll ride with Gia,” she teased, catching the other woman’s eye.
    She grinned in response. “You’re not much better.”
    Winter shrugged. At least if she was behind the wheel, she was in control. As they walked to the huge underground garage, she studied her old friends. They’d all been initiated the same year. She never would have imagined back then she would one day end up a regional leader in the Order, still couldn’t believe the council had that much faith in her. She sure as hell didn’t. Okay, she was competent. Proficient. She’d studied and practiced, learned and excelled. What did it say about her that she’d made such a good killer?
    Not wanting to dwell on it, to confront what she’d become, she turned her gaze to Gia. The three hadn’t slept in how long now? Twenty-four hours at least. Gia had squeezed a shower in somewhere and left her midnight hair free, just brushing her hips. She was dressed in their usual uniform of loose black combat pants and boots, a tight black tank top clinging to her torso, with her weapons scattered around her frame. The demon dagger they all wore and assorted knives and handguns.
    Lately, the hard look in her eyes had softened somewhat and she was more likely to disappear during her off time. And yet there was no bond between her and her mystery man. Winter had asked about him again since their first conversation, but Gia was being surprisingly close-mouthed on the matter, shrugging it off as nothing but casual sex. If Winter wasn’t in such bad shape, wasn’t so close to the edge, she’d let it go. But Gia had found a way to save herself without bonding, and now more than ever, Winter needed that secret. It would have to wait a few hours though, at least until after she’d dealt with the Alliance.

    They reached the garage and Winter headed for the 1955 model Thunderbird she refused to give up despite everyone’s teasing. It was in mint condition, an apple-red two-seater bought new right off the lot. The last thing she and David had bought together. Gia slid in the passenger side and Dupree headed for his own car, one of the sporty new Mustangs. She had no interest in the new retro cars. They couldn’t come close to comparing to the originals. She turned the key and the engine purred. The radio was set to a new channel, and Godsmack blared from the speakers. Somehow, it seemed appropriate. She wouldn’t mind having a harsh talking to with God herself.
    Backing up, she headed down the long road that isolated the compound and turned toward the highway. Traveling through the woods, the nightwalker Lord’s home was only a few miles from hers. Marcus had been so close all this time and she hadn’t had a clue. It was irritating. To add insult to injury he was making them drive now. She’d have to go around the wilderness reserve that lay between his estate and her compound. There were no roads in between.
    Since it was a warm summer night, she left the hardtop off. Gia leaned back, quiet, and stared out the window. Winter had the impression her eyes were closed behind her dark sunglasses. She wished she could do the same. It had been a long never-ending day. Fatigue swept through her. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to sleep for two days.
    It was going to be a long drive and she didn’t have time for an Alliance meeting. The gatherings between the nightwalkers, the lupines and the Order usually took place just once

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