Sweet Seduction Sacrifice

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Book: Sweet Seduction Sacrifice by Nicola Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Claire
    "Admit it," he went on in the same low, sexy voice he'd been using up until now. "You want me and when you licked me, you're mind was made up."
    "I licked you because you were there and I was curious," I answered quickly, pulling my hands from his and crossing them over my chest. Then thinking that really made me sound like a slut, I added, "It seemed like a nice thing to do at the time, I'm regretting it now." No, that wasn't much better. "It's not like I go around licking random guys or anything, it's just that you smelled kind of nice and well, you were there." Oh, God another brain malfunction coupled with runaway mouth moment. "It just happened, OK? I didn't mean for it to, I hadn't thought it through. Clearly," I added with a hint of frustration.
    His body was shaking, but I couldn't hear him making a sound. He could even laugh silently too, not just creep around on silent feet. He reached out and tugged my arm, then pulled me hard against his chest. All the air was forced out of my lungs on impact, making it impossible for me to continue to speak. Effective, but annoying.
    "You are adorable," he said burying his head in my hair.
    "Am not," I managed to get out and felt his body shake harder.
    "This is going to be so much fun," he added, making me stomp my foot and clench my fists. I was not entertainment.
    His body shook even harder and now I could hear the laughter. It sounded so nice. I frowned at my pathetic response to everything this man did and tried to pull away. His arms tightened around me and his face dipped down to my ear.
    He whispered, "Sweetheart, you haven't got a hope in hell of escape."

Chapter 6
The Worst Kind Of Fool
    We settled on an Italian restaurant on Albert Street, the walk taking longer than the one from Sweet Seduction to my loft. All the way, Dominic insisted he hold my hand. Although it felt incredibly nice and made butterflies flutter in my belly, I couldn't help thinking this man was more than I could handle. Who gets this intimate on the first day they meet?
    I didn't have an answer for that, but the way Dominic seemed so at ease in my company, touching me, making such intimate comments, looking at me as if he'd known me all his life - it was surreal and fantastic, but incredibly unusual. Or at least it was for me. Dominic acted as though this was all very normal, nothing to be concerned about. In fact, when we entered the restaurant, his hand resting in the dip of my spine above my rear - another gesture that led you to believe he knew me way better than he did - he insisted we sit side by side in the booth, not opposite each other. His thigh pressed along the length of mine, his shoulder rubbing my shoulder, then after placing our orders and waiting for them to arrive, he threw an arm around the back of my seat, boxing me in and started playing with a strand of my hair.
    I was way out of my depth, struggling to accept his familiarity and define it. I'd honestly never met a man like him and what made matters worse was, I welcomed every, single, minute touch he gave. I was starved for them, I craved them, I began placing myself in positions that would elicit a physical contact in response. In other words, I acted like a slut.
    This was not easy to contemplate, so I chose for the moment to ignore my misgivings about his unusual intimacies, about my need to seek more tactile moments with this man. In an effort to drown out the increasingly loud voice inside my head warning me this was not normal, not right, I concentrated all my efforts on the conversation.
    But that only led to me being in a worshipful daze of not only his god-like appearance and sexiest smile and name I had ever laid eyes on, but also of his sense of humour, his ability to carry the conversation with such apparent ease. He asked copious amounts of questions about me, my life, my childhood, my dreams and passions. And for some strange reason I answered them all.
    The food was lovely, the wine delicious, but the

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