A Rogue for All Seasons (Weston Family)

Free A Rogue for All Seasons (Weston Family) by Sara Lindsey

Book: A Rogue for All Seasons (Weston Family) by Sara Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Lindsey
    “I would like to hear more about your project,” Olivia said quickly in an obvious effort to distract him. Obvious, but successful. He unclenched his fist. “How exactly does dancing twice with Miss Merriwether fit in?”
    Henry was about to tell her that he hadn’t the faintest idea when Isabella grabbed his arm. “Oh!” she breathed, her eyes growing wide. “You will need money. Father will advance you the sum, and if he will not, James will. There’s no need to marry—”
    Henry shrugged her off. “Izzie, calm yourself! I have no intention of marrying anyone.”
    She eyed him suspiciously before turning to her husband. “Why did you say Hal was dancing with Miss Merriwether to further his project?”
    “Miss Merriwether’s father is a well-respected breeder,” James explained.
    “My understanding has always been that Miss Merriwether and her mother are entirely cut off from the man,” Olivia said.
    “Let me assure all of you,” Henry stated firmly, “especially the two of you who are incapable of restraining your wild imaginations, my interest in Miss Merriwether has nothing to do with her dowry and even less to do with her estranged father.”
    Olivia pounced. “Then you
have an interest in her?”
    Before he could say anything, Isabella laughed. “Livvy, you read too many novels. Can you imagine Hal courting Miss Merriwether?”
    Perhaps Isabella couldn’t imagine it. Maybe Olivia didn’t see it. But Henry could. A plan was quickly taking shape in his mind. He didn’t have everything worked out, but enough to know that courting Diana Merriwether was, at this particular moment, less of an impossibility than a probability.
    One he found himself looking forward to, oddly enough… but there was no need to tell his sisters that just yet.

    The household is asleep, and so should I be, but the baby is most decidedly nocturnal, and she prefers to have a companion sit up with her. Thus, I shall subject you, dear aunt, to my late-night ramblings, starting with my thoughts on a phenomenon so incredible that I know you must believe my words a hoax. After all these years, my brother has taken an interest in Miss Merriwether! Naturally, Isabella and I plan to meddle. I do not doubt Hal will kill us if he finds out but, oh, I do believe it will be worth the grave discomfort of being dead!

    D IANA WAS IN HIGH SPIRITS when she and her mother set off in the carriage for Lord and Lady Kelton’s dinner party. Her grandmother was feeling poorly and had elected to stay home, and her grandfather never attended Society events unless forced, so the evening was off to a fine start. It wasn’t that Diana wished her grandmother ill, but to say the Duchess of Lansdowne was critical was a bit like saying Alexander the Great had been ambitious.
    Diana was constantly aware of being a disappointment, but tonight she was free of her grandmother’s watchful eye, which meant she might have some small chance of enjoying herself. Of course, there was another reason Diana was looking forward to this evening.
    An impossibly foolish reason.
    An impossibly handsome reason.
    Just thinking his name sent a ridiculous, giddy rush through her. Not only had he gone out of his way to do something kind for Eliza, he’d asked Diana to dance of his own accord. He might not do so again. He had probably come to his senses, but as she had yet to come to hers, the bubble of hope within her had not yet burst.
    She knew nothing could come of her infatuation. Henry wasn’t the sort of man to settle down, while she was ready—past ready—for that. In truth, she was ready to settle. She wanted her own home and a child, and she needed a husband for that.
    He didn’t have to be athletic or terribly handsome. As her grandmother was also willing to settle, he need not have a grand title or a great fortune. Diana wasn’t even that

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