The Earl Who Loved Me

Free The Earl Who Loved Me by Bethany Sefchick

Book: The Earl Who Loved Me by Bethany Sefchick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Sefchick
lips of every guest that
night as they gathered for dinner.   Where he hoped that he would propose to Amelia and she would
accept.   "And that means that I
have the right to demand my forfeit."
    Amelia glared at him, but he could
tell by the smile on her lips she did not mean it.   This was Amelia as she was meant to be.   This was all of her, ever facet to her personality on full
display.   Shy and circumspect when
necessary, but playful and bold at other moments.   He had always known she was a complex creature, even as a young
child.   However until last night when
she had come willingly into his arms, he had not known precisely how
complex.   Or how delightfully delicious.
    "Fine."   Amelia was feeling more than a little
flirtatious, something inside of her awakening to the joys of seduction the
longer she was in David's presence.   This was not like her.   Normally,
she hid or held herself away from the others, but last night, when she had
strengthened her spine and stood up to Lady Lydia, something inside of her had
shifted.   She had become bolder, not
because she wanted to be but because she had to be.   It had been necessary.
    Now she was wondering why she had
not done so sooner.
    "What do you wish, my
lord?" she asked as she took his proffered arm and allowed him to lead her
into the manor house   "Do you wish
a kiss under the mistletoe?"   After
last night, she was more than willing to grant him that, especially if he made
her feel as delightfully wanton as he had in front of the library's cozy fire
last evening.   "Or might I tempt
you with something else?"
    He seemed to consider her question
for a moment, though she was fairly certain he already knew what he wanted to
ask for.   "An afternoon with you,
Lady Amelia.   The two of us.   Alone.   Where no one can find us.   Time
for us to speak about things we have not but perhaps should have."
    She frowned and he could tell that
was not what she had expected.   "But your guests..."
    "Will survive quite well
enough without me," he finished for her, tapping her lightly on the
nose.   "They are lovely people, but
they are only here for respectability.   Surely you know that by now."
    That only made her frown all the
more.   "I do not take your meaning,
my lord.   Respectability?"
    "A bachelor such as myself
cannot very well have a house party with only one guest, you see.   No matter how much he might prefer her
company to that of all others."   He
helped Amelia off with the jacket to her riding habit and handed it to a
waiting footman who hovered near the door, ready to assists the guests as they
wandered in and out of the cold.   When
the footman departed with their outer clothing, David pulled Amelia close to
whisper in her ear.   "Especially
when that preferred guest is a lovely young woman that I wish to marry.   And bed.   Not necessarily in that order."
    Amelia fairly glowed at the
compliment, her skin flushing red and a heat creeping up her face.   Yesterday, she would have thought that David
did not mean the words he spoke, however sincere he might seem.   That he was merely being kind and
considerate.   Today?   Well today she rather thought he might.   It had been less than a day but already, she
felt as if the blinders she had worn most of her life were falling away and she
could finally see the sincerity of David's words.   He did care about her.   He
did want to marry her.   And out of more
than just pity it seemed.
    "Well, isn't this cozy?"
The icy feminine voice cut through the front hall freezing Amelia where she
stood.   "Two lovers engaged in an
intimate conversation."
    "Sheath your claws, Lady
Lydia," David warned as he turned to face the woman who had clearly been
awaiting their return.   "Unlike
some others, I do not fear you or your mother.   My family has far more influence with the Lady Jerseys of our world than
you ever will."
    So.   David knew about the Lydia's threats to her.   Not entirely

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