Theta Waves Book 1 (Episodes 1-3)

Free Theta Waves Book 1 (Episodes 1-3) by Thea Atkinson Page A

Book: Theta Waves Book 1 (Episodes 1-3) by Thea Atkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thea Atkinson
they trembled above the towel and then he sighed decisively and began to strip down in front of her. Her gaze went to his jacket, where the smears waited for her, where they clumped together in one beautiful cache.
    "It's only fair," he said, regaining her attention. He peeled away each bit of his own clothing from boots to jacket and stood in front of her with his eyes closed, arms outstretched. She understood that he realized how vulnerable she'd been in his hands and was repaying her in kind. She let her glance graze his skin quickly, accepting the payment like a hooker would, entitled but careful. She took in each inch of musculature and sinew, noting that the erection she'd felt while he'd been towelling her down had begun to wane. A moment later, he cleared his throat and she realized he was watching her struggle to take her eyes from his member. He quirked a dark brow playfully.
    "I don't wear underwear," he said. "Sorry."
    She twisted away, embarrassed, and eased herself down on to the mattress, burying her face into the pillow, wishing feverishly for a lick of godspit to wipe away the reality.
    "Oh no," he said. "Not there. The bed is mine. You're sleeping on the floor and when I get back from my shower that's exactly where you better be."

She woke sometime before dawn and realized she was in the bed beside him. The towel was long gone, and in its place was an oversized T-shirt. Even so, she must have got cold through the night and crawled up into the comfort of a mattress with a warm body. It took her a few moments to realize the house was quiet. Quiet enough that if she eased a foot onto the floor, she might well be able to find his clothes. Somewhere in those pockets was enough godspit to carry her through at least a week. If she was careful, perhaps even a week and a half.
    She did manage to get one foot pressed against the cold tile before he stirred. She froze, waiting to see if he was awake, and when he didn't make another move, she eased over onto her side and tipped forward so that both palms and her other foot landed on the floor. Again, she waited. She breathed deeply for at least 30 seconds before she crept her way over to the chair in the corner where he'd dumped his clothes. She wasn't sure she dared look back at him; instead she slipped her hand into his jacket pocket and felt a rush of relief when her fingers wrapped around a cache of cellophane. A large cache, large enough she felt her chest constrict in anticipation.
    "I counted them," said a voice from behind her.
    She squeezed her eyes closed, pulling her fingers from his pocket. "I just want one," she said.
    "Maybe if you're good, I'll let you have one."
    She turned on him, suspicious. "What's your definition of good?"
    He placed his hands behind his head as he lay against the headboard. She watched the triceps tense and let go as he adjusted himself so that he was leaning semi-reclined. "Good might change depending on the situation."
    She studied him for a short while, considering all of her possibilities. "Look, I know you saved me from the mayor and whatever it was he was planning to do –"
    "What he was planning to do was kill you."
    "Yes. Yes I understand that. But I would never have been in that position if you hadn't brought me there."
    He started to peel back the blankets and she remembered his nudity from the night before, that he admitted to not wearing underwear and she averted her gaze hurriedly.
    "Don't worry, minou ," he said. " I found some pajama pants after you decided to crawl into bed with me. Wouldn't want you to think I took advantage of you."
    "I didn't crawl –"
    "Are you sure?"
    She thought about it. "No," she admitted. "I don't remember much."
    He hooked his legs over the edge of the bed, and she could see that he did indeed have pajamas on. His chest was bare though, and she had to bite her bottom lip to remind herself that this man had abducted her. He stretched as he stood, raking his fingers through his hair.

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