Never Say Love

Free Never Say Love by Sarah Ashley

Book: Never Say Love by Sarah Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Ashley
sound of his phone ringing woke Benito from his troubled sleep. Sitting up, he focussed on his surroundings. Shit, the guest room. Lucy was next door. Glancing at his phone he saw international call , it would be Franco. Choosing not to take the call he rejected it, tossing his phone on the bed. He couldn’t do with his father at this time of the morning, especially knowing what he had to deal with first—Lucy!
    Wandering out of the room and into the kitchen, he started to make coffee; before using the bathroom he glanced in on his room seeing Lucy curled up on her side. He liked her, he liked her a lot, yet something felt different with her, apart from the fact that she was untouched. He admired her for that, saving herself. But why had she decided that he was to be the one? She must have had countless offers in the past so why him ? Shaking his head, he ventured back towards the kitchen.
    Benito poured himself a mug of coffee, showered and dressed before checking on Lucy again. She was still asleep. Looking at his watch, it was only nine; he decided to call his father back. Moving to the balcony, taking his coffee with him, he called Franco who answered quickly.
    “Morning dad. What’s up? You wouldn’t normally call so early.” He grumbled whilst slurping at his mug.
    “Are you okay?” Franco asked, “Is everything okay there?”
    “Fine, in fact, great, well sort of. Why? You’ve seen the figures haven’t you, the ones I sent through mid week? Turnovers up, contracts are doubled.” Benito defended himself; he felt he’d done a great job of growing the UK operation.
    “That’s just it son, you’ve put some noses seriously out of place. We’ve received threats here, demands about some of the contracts you’ve picked up.”
    “Demands?” Benito questioned.
    “Yes, demanding that you pull out so that the original provider gets the business back.”
    Frowning, Benito shook his head, “So, if we offer a better service at the same price, or keener, then surely it’s up to our client who they use.”
    Benito was aware of his father breathing deeply. “You’re right son, but I just wanted to let you know, be careful. I don’t want any trouble. We can’t afford, you can’t afford, for anyone to go digging around in your history,” he paused, “you know what I’m talking about son—Adrianna!”
    Hell, that’s all Benito needed, someone potentially digging around in his past, raking up the fact that he’d killed that young creep, the bastard who had taken something that was so precious.
    “I’ll watch out dad. If you hear anything else, let me know, yeah?” Benito asked as he sipped his coffee.
    “I will do, just watch your back. I know you can look after yourself, but just… well, I’ve passed the message on. Call me if you want me or if you need anything.”
    Clearing the call, Benito finished his coffee before going back inside. Checking the bedroom, she was still sleeping. There was no way he was going to wake her, not yet anyway. What the hell would he say to her? Shit!
    Pouring another coffee, he sat on the sofa thinking about Lucy, his dad, Adrianna and his mother. Oh mama, what do I do with Lucy? He looked up as he spoke in his head to his mother.
    Maggie’s words came back to him, “Franco would approve, Sophia would approve.” He knew she was right, his father would adore Lucy and so would his mother.
    Away with his thoughts, business, his father, his mother, Lucy —he was unaware of her appearing from the bedroom.
    “Morning Benito,” she spoke quietly. “Where’s the bathroom?”
    Startled to hear her voice, he turned slowly, pointing towards the bathroom door. He watched her, wrapped in the sheet as she disappeared. Drinking his coffee, he perched on the sofa waiting for her to return, he wanted to talk to her. He wanted to give her a dressing down over what she’d done.
    Looking down at the floor, his fingers in his hair, he waited and waited. It was evident that she

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