Always Enough
exactly that. The room had a floor-to-ceiling glass window that looked out over the stadium. The walls were painted in a neutral color with several tables situated along them. Trays of food with sandwiches, cheeses, cookies, and cakes covered the first table. The second table had two plates with chicken marsala and wine. The middle of the room had a black leather couch and two black reclining ottomans with a massive seventy-two inch flat screen on the wall.
    Ky guided me into the room, his hand resting on my lower back. We sat down at a small table by the window and a stadium worker served us our plates and wine. When she left, Ky looked over at me and gave me a brilliant smile.
    “Are you having a good time?” he asked.
    “I am, today has been wonderful.”
    We ate our dinner while chatting about anything and everything. It was nice, and I felt at ease with him. Ky gave me some pretty heated looks while I was eating, probably because with every mouthful, I moaned my appreciation. It was the best damn chicken marsala I’d ever had.
    Just as we were finishing up he said, “I can’t wait for this game to start. Nobody can beat the Giants.”
    “Seriously? I think I just threw up in my mouth. I’m excited to see a game, but the Giants will be beaten by the Cowboys.” I stuck my finger in my mouth, and made a gagging noise.
    “What in the hell are you talking about? There’s no way the Cowboys are going to win this with Romo as their Quarterback!”
    “Care to make a wager?” I asked, lowering my fork.
    “You know I don’t back down from a bet. What do you have in mind?” He raised an eyebrow.
    “The Cowboys win, you forget all about this idea of you sleeping in a room by yourself, I want you in my bed. If they lose, well, then I guess we get to stay in separate rooms.”
    He chuckled. “You’re a high roller, aren’t you?”
    He was teasing of course, but he knew that this could lead to something very tempting.
    “Always. So what do you say?”
    He reached his hand across the table, to shake on it, but I didn’t want a handshake—I wanted his mouth. I got up and moved around the table to stand in front of him. His eyes watched me as I approached. When I was standing in front of him, he opened his legs so I could step in between them. I bent forward and grabbed his shirt, bringing him towards me.
    “I think this is a bit more promising than a handshake.”
    I pressed my lips to his and kissed him, effectively sealing the deal. He sucked my lower lip into his mouth and I felt his tongue swept across the sensitive flesh. I moaned and opened my mouth, granting him entrance. He tasted like merlot, and it was a decadent flavor. His hand weaved into my hair at the base of my neck and he pulled me down onto his lap. Just as the kiss was heating up, a server came in to remove our dinner plates. Instead of feeling embarrassed about being interrupted, I felt turned on. My skin was overheated and I was wet with need. Ky’s eyes were lust-filled and it was clear that if we hadn’t been interrupted, I may have gotten what I’d been craving from him.
    I went back to my seat and sat down. As I watched him looking at me, he watched me with curiosity and desire. We sat there sipping our wine until the game started.
    The Cowboys started off with a bang. They scored a touchdown in the first two minutes of the game, which was quickly followed by an interception by the Cowboys defensive back, Morris Claiborne. By halftime the scoreboard read twenty-one to seven, and I started to think I had the bet in the bag.
    “Don’t get overzealous over there, Harper. This game is far from over.”
    I laughed. “Well, your precious Giants can’t seem to get their shit together, so I’m thinking you might as well start packing your bags to move across the hall.”
    He shook his head and the side of his mouth tipped up in a half smile. “We’ll see.”
    And boy, was he right. During the last half the Giants ended up scoring three

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