Saving Ella

Free Saving Ella by Kirsty Dallas

Book: Saving Ella by Kirsty Dallas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Dallas
Tags: Romance, Young Adult
my damn head examined, but hell, I’m the boss so I’m allowed.” At that moment I wondered if she was talking about mistakes in the shop or life in general. Her eyes became a little distant and cloudy and she seemed somewhat sad. “So, one mistake, we deal, two we get pissed, third time, you’re out.” She shook off her dejected moment and gave me a carefree smile.
                  “What would I be doing?” I wondered aloud. It really didn’t matter, I wanted the job, but it seemed appropriate to ask.
                  “Oh you know, the usual, shining my shoes, giving me hourly massages, pressing my linen.” I stared at her skeptically.
                  “Will I be feeding your horse as well my lady?” I joked and Rebecca laughed loudly.
    “Oh Ella, we are going to get along just fine. My servant boy will attend to the horse, you can clean, serve customers, answer the phone, normal stuff. It would be nice if you could help me with some arrangements. Nothing too tricky to begin with, maybe some pruning and binding bouquets.” I couldn’t dance for shit, but at that moment I wanted to boogie around the store like an adolescent fool screaming hallelujah!  Instead I settled for a more reserved nod and said, “When can I start?”
                  Rebecca put me to work immediately and by five o’clock I was exhausted. I’d woken before five A.M and I had worked without a break. My own fault, I was told to take two breaks, but I was too nervous to eat. Rebecca locked the door behind us and smiled.
    “I don’t really care what you wear to work you will always have the apron over it anyway, but make sure you wear your hair back tomorrow. You will be working with some pretty sharp scissors and pruning clippers. We don’t want you accidentally cutting any of that beautiful hair off.” I nodded but the thought of wearing my hair up kind of unnerved me a little. It had become an important part of concealing the ‘real’ Ella, if I was to wear it up I might as well have been strolling down the street naked.  The thought terrified me, but I really wanted this job. It was such a good job.
                  “No problem,” I murmured.
                  “You want a lift anywhere?” No way in hell was I going to ask my new boss to drop me off at a shelter for abused women.
                  “No, I’m good. I’m not far from here and I like to walk. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Rebecca jumped in her car and disappeared down the street. I pulled on my beanie and began the walk back to the shelter. It was an easy fifteen minute stroll at most, but I was tired. I hadn’t eaten more than a chocolate bar all day and my stomach growled angrily for food. I even felt a little light headed. The closer I got to the shelter, the dizzier I became and as I reached the front door, I faltered as the world around me swooped and spun.
                  “Angel?” I don’t know if it was the shock of his voice or the fact that I was dead on my feet, but everything promptly went black.
                  The first thing I realized was I was on the ground, no mistaking the cold, icy pavement under my back. My body automatically tensed. Had I been hit? Had Marcus found me; was he here to finish me off? Was he waiting for my eyes to open, waiting for me to find consciousness so that I would not miss the next blow? I couldn’t stop the shiver that racked my body and it had nothing to do with the seeping cold radiating from under me. Then three simple words brought me back, three simple words penetrated the cold and chased away the ghosts.
                  “You’re safe Ella.” It was Jax, his voice firm but at the same time gentle, reassuring. “Come on angel, open those pretty brown eyes for me.” Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind I didn’t want to. I was afraid, embarrassed. But that soothing voice demanded

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