A Knight of Passion

Free A Knight of Passion by Tarah Scott

Book: A Knight of Passion by Tarah Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tarah Scott
cried out and arched into his hand. Her walls closed around his finger in a strong convulsion.
    Need rammed through him. He squeezed his cock. He would spend himself by his own hand if he wasn’t careful. When they left this room, he needed to be able to say he’d sheathed himself inside her hot, wet channel. She must be fully and completely his. No one would be able to challenge their union. Her head fell forward onto his shoulder. The final convulsions faded. He pulled his finger from within her. How many more times could he make her come?

    * * * *

    Riana’s knees weakened, but Sir Bryant steadied her with sure hands as he removed his leg from between her thighs. His cock, long, hard, and glistening at the slit, pointed in her direction as if to command her to her knees before him. Enthralled, she traced a finger around the crown.
    He sucked in a breath. “Do not stop.”
    Her heart fluttered. He craved her touch. Slowly, she trailed a feather-light finger down his length. The rod pulsed. Her heart jumped into an erratic beat. She had been fucked by many men, seen their lust drive them to use her over and over, but had never been thrilled by the power she held over a man as she was now. Carefully, she wrapped her fingers around the base of his girth and stretched the skin taut over the head. He groaned and thrust into her hand, his length stretching well beyond her palm edge.
    Still gripping him tightly, Riana knelt. He remained stock still as she leaned in to him and traced her nipple with the tip of his shaft. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of his fisted hands. She tracked the underside of his length with her nipple, pressing her breasts against him, and lapped at the pre-cum seeping from his slit. Its salty tang burst across her tongue. A groan rumbled from his chest and she looked up to see his head back, eyes closed. His arousal, the effect she had on him, clenched her stomach.
    She reached between his legs and cupped his balls. He jerked, but didn’t command her to stop. Lightly, she ran her fingers over the sac. The tremble in his legs sent a thrill through her. Riana fitted the tip of his shaft to her lips and slowly sucked him in a few inches then pulled back, grazing the sensitive crown with her teeth. With both hands, he grasped her head, keeping her steady as she again sucked him inside, this time until his cock bumped into the roof of her mouth and her lips met her palm edge. His cock hardened even more.
    With her free hand, Riana reached around him and grasped his arse, pulling him tighter against her mouth. He pulled out, then thrust in with her sucking, the muscles in his buttocks bunching with the obvious effort of not cramming his cock down her throat. She pulled back, letting his cock slip free of her mouth, but quickly sucked the underside from tip to root then, slowly, back up again.
    “Riana,” he growled.
    Taking him into her mouth again, she lifted her eyes as she sucked him deep. He stared down, green eyes dark with desire. Her pulse quickened. He wanted her—not the duchess’ whore, but her, Lady Riana Ellis, now Lady Riana, his wife. She squeezed his balls. He tunnelled his hands into her hair as he thrust deeper into her mouth, eyes fixed on her face.
    She moved faster. His jaw tensed. Once he had come inside her mouth, would he remain hard enough to fuck her cunt? He tunnelled his fingers into her hair. His scent filled her nostrils. She wanted to taste him and have him inside her when he exploded. Faster, he thrust into her mouth.
    “Riana,” he gasped, “we must—”
    Shouts outside the room broke into their private moment. Sir Bryant’s head snapped towards the door as it burst open. Four men-at-arms stood in the doorway. Riana froze, Sir Bryant’s cock still in her mouth, and the lead warrior’s gaze riveted onto her. Sir Bryant seized her shoulders and dragged her to her feet. He shoved her behind him as he dragged his hose up over his erection.
    “What is

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