Wanting Forever (A Nelson Island Novel)

Free Wanting Forever (A Nelson Island Novel) by Diana Gardin

Book: Wanting Forever (A Nelson Island Novel) by Diana Gardin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Gardin
    “Sam, look at me.”
    He glanced back up at Gregory.
    “I don’t know what your story is, son. And maybe you aren’t willing to share it with me. But I can see the same haunted look in your eyes I see when I look in the mirror every day.”
    Every muscle in Sam’s body tensed. The gears in his brain were moving too slowly to keep up with his emotions. Suddenly, he felt close enough to Gregory to disclose everything. The father figure he’d missed growing up was sitting right in front of him with open arms. All he had to do was walk into them, and everything would be okay.
    “I can’t,” he whispered, his voice thick and full of pain. “I can’t tell you.”
    Mr. Hopewell sighed. “That’s okay, son. I understand you still don’t trust me yet.”
    “No, it’s not that…you’ve been a saving grace for me, sir. You don’t even know how much your taking me in means to me. I just…it’s not my secret to tell. I promised her…I promised someone back home I’d keep her safe no matter what the cost. I did that, and now I can’t tell anyone what happened or her security would be threatened. I just can’t.”
    Gregory Hopewell’s eyes softened. He looked at Sam across the desk, and felt the bond of a son forming that he’d never expected from a kid who just happened to be working on his ranch.
    “Okay, Sam. When you’re ready, just know that I’m here. You clearly need someone to talk to, and I hope I can be that for you. Or if it’s not me, I sure as hell hope it’s someone soon. Because the secret and the pressure of keeping it, is clearly killing you.”
    Sam’s chest constricted and he let his head fall into his hands. Gregory came around the side of the desk and put his hand on Sam’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay, son. Whatever it is. It will be okay because you’re a good man. Remember that.”
    Sam only nodded.
    “Listen, now. We’re going to take it slow. I have to have your ID and forms for HR, but I can’t do that if you’re hiding from the law. So there’s some things you obviously need to work out. In the meantime, though, you’ll need to look the part of an administrative intern in a corporate environment.”
    Sam bristled. “All I have are jeans and work shirts.”
    “That’s why I’m going to give you this.” Gregory walked back around his desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a credit card. It was black.
    “Take it and go shopping. You need to get a few suits, but also just some slacks and shirts to wear around here. New shoes wouldn’t hurt, either.”
    He laughed again at Sam’s vacant expression. “I know that look. You need help, don’t you? I’ll send Aston with you. That girl knows style and fashion about as well as she knows business. And that’s a hell of a lot.”
    Sam nodded blankly. “I don’t even know what to say, Mr. Hopewell. This is…a lot. Thank you.”
    “First of all, you may call me Gregory when we’re not at the office. You’re welcome, Sam. Now go and find my daughter.”
    Aston stumbled away from the door where she’d been eavesdropping on the conversation between Sam and her father. She’d been about to storm upstairs when she’d heard her father usher Sam into the office.
    With every word she’d heard, a tiny jolt of shock frayed her nerves. The story her father had told Sam…she’d never known any of it. Her lungs contracted, and she struggled to draw deep breaths. She retreated from the office door and turned the corner into the kitchen, where she ran smack into Ashley.
    “Hey!” Ashley exclaimed. “I was just coming to look—Aston? What’s the matter?”
    Ashley’s arms went around her. “What is it, A? What happened?”
    Aston stared at Ashley without really seeing her. Her dad had never told her that story…but he’d told Sam. She was halfway between jealousy toward Sam, and sympathy for his pain. She’d heard what he had to say, too. What he’d said about having a secret he couldn’t divulge, and the

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