Make Me Crazy (Loco, Texas)

Free Make Me Crazy (Loco, Texas) by Codi Gary

Book: Make Me Crazy (Loco, Texas) by Codi Gary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Codi Gary
can’t let that happen.”
    He didn’t like her pleading look. Rand never begged for anything, and she looked like she was three seconds away from falling to her knees and clasping her hands. “You know how to kiss.”
    He almost didn’t hear her, her voice was so quiet. “But I’ve never done…anything else before.”
    “Rand, are you saying you’re a virgin?” He asked the question, unable to conceal his surprise. He knew she didn’t really date, but he figured she had just been sly about it.
    She tried to look away but he caught her chin. “Are you?”
    “Yeah,” she said hesitantly, but her eyes suddenly flared and she added, “By choice. I didn’t want anyone talking about me and my private matters.”
    He almost asked if he had been her first kiss, but thought it might put her over the edge. Releasing her chin, he tucked her hair behind her ear gently. “Lesson number one: Leave your hair down. Guys like long hair.”
    “It gets in my way,” she protested.
    “I thought you wanted my advice and expertise,” he countered.
    She frowned. “I do.”
     “Then take my advice. Anytime you aren’t working, wear your hair down.” Tangling his hands in the brown curtain, he pulled her down and kissed her right under the ear.
    “Fine,” she whispered and he trailed his mouth back to hers.
    “How many dresses do you have,” he asked as he ran his hand down over her hips.
    “Just the one my granddaddy bought for me for the Johnson’s wedding
    “Wear it to church tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at nine.” He nibbled at her bottom lip.
    “You’re taking me to church?” She slid her hands under the front of his shirt and over his abs.
    He liked the feel of her calloused hands over his bare skin, but if he didn’t stop her, they were going to move beyond light petting and head straight for the really good stuff. Pulling away from her, he said, “Yeah, I’m taking you to church.”
    “Why?” Her voice was soft, breathless and sexy as hell.
    “Because one of the best ways to gain another man’s undivided attention is to date someone else.”
    “But I had two other dates this week...”
    Jake lifted his brow. “Fred and Bubba are great guys, but not exactly stiff competition for a guy like Jay. The guys no slouch.”
    “Are you telling me you’ve been checking out Jay?”
    He scowled. “Not like that, but a man likes to size up the competition. Which is exactly what Jay’s going to do when you show up tomorrow with me.”
    “You are so cocky,” she said, pursing her lips as she seemed to consider his idea. Suddenly, her mouth split into a wide grin and she shook him by his shoulders. “But I also think you might just be an evil genius!”
    Actually, Jake felt more like the biggest idiot in the world as Rand threw her arms around him and the smell of peaches surrounded him.  “Damn straight I am.”
    She pulled back and said, “I owe you big.”
     “I’ll remember that.”

Chapter Six
    Rand stared at herself in the mirror and bit her lip. The floral dress was tea length and hugged her body, the little cap sleeves were very feminine. She’d pulled on nude panty hose she’d had in a drawer for years, which itched like crazy and a pair of black flats. She’d put a little gel in her hair and used a blow dryer on it, creating soft waves over her shoulder. She didn’t have any make up except for a tube of clear mascara and chap stick. Her dark lashes, already long, looked fuller after the clear coating, although she poked her eye in the process, causing it to water.
     She finally stood in front of the full length mirror on the back of her door and studied the change. She looked like any other woman being escorted to church by a handsome man.
    And yet, she felt like an impostor.
    Her phone rang in the kitchen and she ran to answer, tripping over Scout, who hissed in protest. “Don’t you hiss at me, you’re the one laying in the hallway like a dork.”
    The Calico meowed and rubbed

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