science of
tool for
to measure
nomos (νόμος)
law, rule
-nomia (-νομια)
rules of
to rules
-izein 4 (-ιζειν)
(verb-forming suffix)
NAME _______________________________________________________________________
A. Transliterate each of the following Greek words and, using your unabridged dictionary, find an English derivative and its current usage.
Greek Word/English Meaning
English Derivative
Current Usage
καρδία (heart)
pertaining to the heart
Greek Word/English Meaning
English Derivative
Current Usage
1. τόπoς (place)
2. σχoλή (leisure)
3. ἀγών (contest)
4. ἔθνoς (nation)
5. κινέω (move)
6. πρα̑γμα (business)
7. πἴρεσις (choice)
8. αἰτία (cause)
9. ἐκκλησία (assembly)
10. κλίνη (bed)
11. ὀφθαλμός (eye)
12. λίθoς (stone)
13. πόλεμoς (war)
14. κεφαλή (head)
15. χρόνoς (time)
B. Clearly, anyone or anything can be in charge. What is each of the following forms of governance?
English Word
Form of Governance
English Word
Form of Governance
16. gastrocracy
21. plutocracy
17. patriarchy
22. oligarchy
18. ochlocracy
23. hierarchy
19. gynecocracy
24. dyarchy
20. matriarchy
25. gerontocracy
C. Fill in each blank with the literal meaning of the italicized word or part of a word. Make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct. If you are not sure of the derivation, check your dictionary. Some of the Greek vocabulary is to be found in the exercises above.
A micro scope is a tool for viewing small objects.
26. Geology is the __________ __________ the earth; geography is __________ __________; geometry is __________ __________.
27. An an archi st __________ a lack of __________.
28. A thermo meter is an ____________________ heat. [thermos (θερμός) = warm]
29. Your arch enemy is your __________foe.
30. In many science-fiction movies, robots are called andr oids because they __________ humans. [aner, andros (ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός) = man]
31. Dynamism is __________ that all phenomena in the world can be explained by the action of force. (dynamis [δύναμις] = force, power)
32. What is the literal meaning of basilisk ? (βασιλεύς = king) ____________________ What sort of creature was it thought to be? ____________________
33. An ophthalmoscope is an ____________________ the ____________________.
34. In ancient Athens, the polemarch was the individual who was the ____________________ in times of ____________________.
35. Topography is literally ____________________ about ____________________. What is its current usage?
36. A chronometer is an ____________________ ____________________.
37. Gerontology is ____________________ ____________________.
38. Some students think that scholastic effort should be made only when they have ____________________.
39. A monolith is a monument that consists of a single stone. What is the current meaning of
Mari Carr and Jayne Rylon