The Blackwell Lessons

Free The Blackwell Lessons by Sk Quinn

Book: The Blackwell Lessons by Sk Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sk Quinn
Tags: Ivy Lessons
I was in Sydney while it was running. I heard great things.’
    ‘Thank you.’
    ‘And Marc Blackwell!’ says Ruby, her grin broadening. ‘I’ve seen all your movies. But I bet everyone says that. I even had your picture on my wall when I was a teenager.’ She winks at me. ‘Bet you did too, huh Sophia?’
    I laugh.
    Marc slips his hands into his pockets. He looks thoughtful. Too thoughtful.
    ‘So who are we missing?’ Leo asks.
    ‘Baz and Sigourney,’ says Nadia.
    I can’t help sneaking a glance at Leo. But he looks fine. Relaxed as ever.
    ‘You can save the eyeballs, Miss Sophia Blackwell,’ says Leo. ‘What – do you think I’m freaking out because my ex-girlfriend is in the movie?’
    ‘Aren’t you?’
    ‘Of course not. That was over a long time ago. Years have passed. Sigourney must have grown up some in that time. Isn’t that right Marc?’
    What the hell …? Why is Leo asking Marc that?
    Marc frowns. ‘Indeed.’
    ‘Marc, do you know Sigourney?’ I ask, a little confused by Leo’s comment.
    ‘In a manner of speaking.’
    We hear the squeak of the door.
    ‘Ah ha!’ says Nadia, leaping to her feet. ‘Another new arrival.’

    Nadia hurries around the clothes rail. A second later she reappears, dwarfed beside the tall, muscular bulk of Baz Smith.
    ‘Look who I found!’ she beams, her tiny arm threaded through Baz’s thick tattooed one.
    Baz really is big in real life.
    He’s the same height as Marc, but his bulky muscles make him much wider. He wears a tight, grey vest and jogging bottoms. There are tattoos all over his body, including his thick neck.
    His dark hair is closely shaven and his brown eyes roam the room, unsmiling and dangerous.
    When Baz’s eyes fall on Marc, he frowns. ‘What’s with the suit, James Bond? Where do you think you are – the fucking Ritz or something?’
    ‘Coming from a man wearing his pyjamas, I’ll take that as a compliment,’ Marc replies.
    The two men eye each other sternly for a moment.
    Then Baz bursts out laughing and slaps Marc on the shoulder.
    ‘Good to see you mate.’ Baz grabs Marc’s hand and shakes it furiously. ‘Fucking hell, it’s been years hasn’t it? Fucking years.’ He puts a hand to his mouth. ‘Oops. Sorry about that, ladies. I should watch my language.’
    ‘I’m Australian,’ says Ruby. ‘You don’t need to watch your language around me. I’ve heard it all.’
    ‘Still.’ Baz reddens and scratches his neck. ‘Ladies present and everything. Sorry.’
    ‘It’s been a long time,’ says Marc.
    ‘It certainly f—, … I mean, yes it has. How are you doing Marky boy? You got married . You! Marc Blackwell married. I’d never have believed it. And this must be the lucky lady.’ He turns to me. ‘Sophia. Right?’
    ‘Nice to meet you.’ I hold out my hand to shake, but Baz kisses my fingers instead with a playful, ‘Mwah! Mwah!’
    ‘Listen,’ says Baz, still holding my hand. ‘Any friend of Marc’s is a friend of mine. I’ll look after you. All right? How about I take you two to dinner later?’
    ‘Sophia may be tired later,’ says Marc, a little too quickly.
    ‘No, I’ll be fine,’ I say. ‘We’re only trying on clothes today.’
    ‘Always listen to the lady,’ says Baz, with a grin. ‘That’s what my mother taught me. What’s your problem Blackwell? Are you trying to avoid me or something?’
    ‘In some ways.’
    Baz laughs. ‘I’m trouble and you don’t want trouble any more. Right?’
    I frown as I watch Marc. He seems … uncomfortable.
    ‘Well don’t worry. I promise the past will be kept in the past. I’ll keep all your secrets. Hand on heart, hope to die, stick a sausage in my eye.’
    ‘Secrets?’ I ask Marc, raising an eyebrow.
    ‘Baz always did have a way with words,’ says Marc, frowning. ‘I don’t have secrets from you, Sophia. You know that.’
    ‘Oh no?’ Baz gives a wicked grin. ‘Funny. Because I heard on the grapevine you’re having

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