Pride of the King, The
and she bent down to pinch the fat cheeks of the toddler.
    “Oh, Child!” scolded Anne scooping her up. "Come and sit with me on the porch, and we'll have some cider," the woman said taking Lauren's hand. "The children are scattered everywhere today, so maybe you and I can talk."
    It was as if they had never parted, and they chattered about every little bit of news or gossip that came to mind. Suddenly Anne took Lauren’s hand, “My dear, can you ever forgive us? We had no idea what the Aberjon household was like. We never would have sent you had we known.”
    Lauren shook her head. “I have grown to love Madame Aberjon, and it has all been for the best.”
    Anne did not look convinced, but she allowed Lauren to take the conversation elsewhere. It was good to have the young girl back again, and she realized how much she loved Lauren. Lauren had missed Anne terribly too but never allowed herself to admit it until now. It was as if she had never left.
    The dogs panted in the shade of the porch for an hour until at last Lauren stood up to say goodbye. "You must say 'Hello' to Gabriel and Rene before you go," urged Anne, "They are out in the commons."
    "I had planned on it," returned Lauren closing the garden gate. She was anxious to see Rene. She waved farewell and headed to the fields holding up her pretty skirts as she walked down the dusty road to the fields.
    Gabriel was the first to see Lauren. He smiled and waved. He liked the girl in spite of her careless impulsive ways. She was young and headstrong yet he pitied her lack of peace. He could see that she was restless and unsettled in her heart.
    Rene rushed up and took her hands. "It's so good to see you again! You look wonderful! How did you ever get away?"
    "I worked something out," she said with a shrug. "Now there will be more time for walks."
    Gabriel raised an eyebrow and looked from Lauren to Rene. He knew what walks meant, and he groaned, "Now Rene--"
    "Please Father?”
    "Well--" he said wagging his finger. "You know the rules. Her cheeks are far too rosy today," and he smiled.
    Calling to the Great Danes, they waved goodbye and went down to the river. They sat on the shore talking while eagles circled in the spring sky. There were canoes and pirogues gliding downstream, and an occasional fish would jump snapping at a bug, but they noticed only each other.
    Rene looked wonderful to Lauren. His hair had grown lighter in the summer sun, and his body had grown taut and muscular from tending the crops. She wondered how she could have ever been cold to him with those dimples and that lock of hair falling onto his forehead. It felt heavenly to be young and desirable again, and when Rene kissed her she felt alive once more.
    "How often can I see you?" he asked running his hands over her hair and cheeks.
    "I can meet you here every other day, at this time," she said.
    Rene reached up and pulled the ribbon at her chin. He slid her hat off and began kissing her again, but this time Lauren pushed him away. "It's late. I must go," and she stood up, brushing herself off.
    "I'll be here, day after tomorrow," said Rene putting his lips to her hand.
       "I will too," smiled Lauren, and she called to the dogs.
    *                 *                *
    Life held new appeal for Lauren now that she had a diversion. She was more patient with Madame, more attentive to her duties and above all more carefree. She hummed when she picked up the bedroom, cajoled Madame when she threw a temper tantrum and even carried treats in her apron for Baroness and Duchess.
    Eugenie was happier too. On the days Lauren stayed home, she would go out, and the brief escapes lightened her heart. There was a world of news for them to share and Marianne took great joy in seeing her girls so happy.
    "Eugenie, what did you do yesterday on your afternoon out?" whispered Lauren as the girls were in the scullery stirring a batch of soap.
    “I walked to market. I like the

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