Blood Sport

Free Blood Sport by A.J. Carella

Book: Blood Sport by A.J. Carella Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Carella
of roughly the same age. Sam had just turned seven and Adam vanished shortly before his seventh birthday. The similarities ended there, though. Geographically, they were over five hundred miles apart and both boys came from very different backgrounds.
    In each case , the families had been looked at closely but there had never been any indication that they’d been involved.
    Making a note of the contact details for the police departments handling each of the cases, he contacted them. He was in luck and managed got get hold of the original investigating officers in both cases and he explained why he was interested in their cases. Happy to help, both officers agreed to send a copy of their case files to him by overnight mail.
    Finn wasn’t sure what he hoped to find but maybe now, knowing that they were in fact connected and not separate incidents, something might jump out at him.
    Sandy, the department receptionist, office manager and general organizational guru popped her head around the door. “I’m off, Finn. See you in the morning.”
    Surprised, Finn checked his watch an d realized that it was after five. There was nothing more he could do tonight and he’d planned to cook for Sally that evening before this case had landed on his desk. He considered calling her and putting it off but decided not to. It would do him good to get away from the office for a bit and he enjoyed her company, so it might take his mind of things for a bit.
    When he’d told Kat that he needed time to process the bombshell she’d dropped on him , he’d meant it. He certainly hadn’t set out to meet someone and start dating.
    Putting the book aside, he left the office. It felt good to think about something other than the case for a bit as he thought about what he was going to cook for dinner on the way home. He knew the contents of his fridge were limited and he hadn’t had time to go to the store in days , so it would take a bit of creativity on his part. Checking his fridge when he arrived confirmed his fears. Steak and baked potatoes it would have to be.
    The doorbell rang just as he was taking the potatoes out of the oven. “Perfect timing ,” he said as he let her in. “I’m afraid it’s nothing fancy.”
    “Believe me, when you’ve just worked a shift like the one I’ve had you could feed me a bag of hay and I’d be happy.” She laughed. “Smells good , whatever it is.”
    The evening was dry and clear so they took their food out onto the deck to watch the sun go down as they ate.
    “Much better than a bag of hay, thank you,” she said when she’d finished and pushed her plate aside.
    “So, tell me about you and Kat McKay.”
    Finn paused with his fork halfway to his mouth. “What do you mean?”
    “Well , at the hospital the other day, there was a definite vibe between you. History?”
    He decided to be honest. “Well yes, but not in the way you think.” He put his fork down. “We dated in high school.”
    “And she’s still not over it?”
    “No, it’s not like that.” She listened intently as he told her all about what had happened with Jamie and what had ultimately brought Kat back into his life. He drew short of telling her about Kat’s secret; that wasn’t his to tell and it would feel like a betrayal to share it with anyone else.
    “So what made you pick this area of the country to work in?” He turned the tables on her. Though they’d been on a few dates, she’d shared very little of her own life before arriving here.
    “You mean besides the bright lights and non-stop city life?” she chuckled. “I don’t know , really. It seemed like a good idea at the time and now,” she looked into his eyes, “it seems like an even better one.”
    “So you don’t have family around here?”
    She laughed. “Why, do you want to meet them already?”
    He pulled a face in mock horror . “Gosh no,” he chuckled. “It just seems a bit of an odd place to choose. Most people haven’t even heard of Brecon

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