Safeword: Matte - In Training
in exchange for living in a
beautiful house and having nice things for themselves and their
    “It isn’t your job to fix the world, Sam. We
all have to live with the choices we make.”
    Ready to change the conversation, she stood
and reached for her towel. “Speaking of living with choices, do I
want to know what you’ve planned for the evening?”
    “I’m sure you have a good idea of most of
it. How do you feel about your first week of training?”
    “I’m not as sore as I thought I’d be. I
mean, I feel it, but it doesn’t hurt, and I’d kind of expected it
to, with as much action as my ass has been getting.”
    “There’s been no action , has there? Just
a single entrance and exit, each time?”
    “Well, yeah, but five times a day!”
    “We’re going slow enough you should only
feel it on the weekends when we step up the sizes, and even then it
shouldn’t hurt. You aren’t receiving any friction, and the
stretching during the week is just making sure you’ve adjusted to
the current size before we move up again.”
    Ethan released the stopper and stepped out
of the tub as Sam dried herself. When she reached for her yoga
pants he said, “Sorry, Darlin'. No clothes this evening.”
    She was walking them to her closet to put
away as she heard, “I’ll put this week’s ring in for a while before
we move up. Go into the bedroom and put your wrist and ankle cuffs
on. Position yourself so I can insert it — whatever’s most
comfortable for you is fine.”
    Sam looped the clothes over the hook in the
closet and walked into her bedroom. She didn't know how long he'd
be, so she climbed on the bed and went to all fours, but changed
her mind and laid her chest on the bed, placing her back in a sharp
    Ethan didn't take long, and Sam turned to
look at him when he stopped in the doorway. His smile was serious
as he said, “You're beautiful, Samantha.”
    He palmed his cock, stroking it a few times
as it grew before Sam's eyes. “I hadn't planned to take you so
early in the evening, but I may change my mind. Let's get the ring
in you, first.”
    He'd lined a variety of toys and implements
on the nightstand, and he stretched a glove on and generously
applied lube as his gaze alternated between her face and his hand.
“As much as I love the feel of your ass stretching around my
fingers, I'll be fairly quick this go 'round.”
    He hadn't been kidding. She felt one finger
go in, immediately followed by a second, and then less than a count
of twelve before they left and the ring was gently pushed in. Sam
breathed out as Ethan pressed the ring into her, imagining she was
making room for it inside her body. She wiggled her toes in an
attempt to stay relaxed, and sighed in relief when she felt the
stretching ring finally settle into place.
    “I left the plug out of it, and I have a
nice view into your ass. You're so sexy like this, and I'm hard as
a rock. Your choice, how do you want to get me off?”
    He was giving her a lot of choices this
evening, and it made Sam a little nervous about what he might have
planned for later. She didn't comment on it, though. “How about a
combination blow-job and hand-job, Sir?”
    He situated himself on the bed beside her,
leaning against the headboard with his body and legs straight out
before him. He gestured with his hand for her to begin, and she
turned sideways to give him a good view of her body as she worked
him over.
    He didn't hold back and she managed to get
him off in under ten minutes. He allowed himself only a few moments
to recover and he pulled the monster plug from his bag and set it
up on the stool once again.
    “Okay, Darlin'. You know the drill. Pull the
ring and sit down on the plug. When you've gone as far as you can,
let me know and we'll see how far you've managed.”
    “You won't tell me when I've gone far
    He shook his head. “You need to go as far as
you comfortably can, without going so far you damage yourself. If

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