Beauty and The Highlander

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Book: Beauty and The Highlander by Hildie McQueen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hildie McQueen
clenched at her words. "Do you
mean it?"
    "Yes, I do." Analise pressed a kiss to his
parted lips. "I have since the day I saw you in the courtyard. I could not
believe you were the man I'd marry. It was too good to be true."
    "I thought that perhaps you were planning an
escape by the way you scanned the surroundings."
    "I was."
    "I am glad you were not successful."
    "As am I."
    "Sire. Do you wish help dressing?" Carrick's
man entered and stood with his back to them.
    "No thank you, Liam. I will dress myself and be
down shortly. Please tell Declan and Moraine I wish to speak to them after I
break my fast."
    His brother and Moraine followed Carrick to the study.
He didn't sit, not wanting to be lower than the two people he did not trust.
Analise sat in a chair and he went to stand beside it. Without preamble he
spoke. "I know you are lovers."
    Moraine's wide eyes flew to Declan who remained
without expression. He exhaled, but did not speak. Did not deny it.
    Carrick looked to the woman. "I believe you were
the one who poisoned my father. But since I cannot prove it, I will allow you
to live. But you must leave immediately."
    "I demand better treatment. I was the laird's
wife," Moraine screeched. "Where shall I go?"
    "You can go with Declan for all I care. But you
must never step again within the gates of Gordon keep or I will have you
    "Where am I to go?" Declan trembled with
rage. "You have my word. I had nothing to do with Father being
    "Whether you knew or not, by being her lover, I
do not trust you to remain here." Carrick understood that he and Declan
would never be close, would not be true brothers. They were as different as
their parents had been.
    "I will go then. Perhaps our cousins to the north
can use my sword arm."
    "I wish you to have Moriag." Carrick watched
as a multitude of emotions crossed his brother's face. “Our mother's home? You
have always cherished it."
    "Yes, I have. I know you will care for it. The
people of that small town need someone to oversee the dealings and protect them
when needed. It will be your township now."
    "Why would you do that for me?" Declan's
shoulders hunched. Moraine on the other hand perked up, her face alert.
    "Because you are my brother and I love you."
Carrick neared and placed a hand on Declan's shoulder. "Father should have
given you lands of your own long ago."
    "Brother. I do not deserve this." Declan
hugged him and for the first time since childhood, Carrick held his brother in
return. "Aye, you do, Declan."
    They moved apart. Declan looked to Moraine and then
back to Carrick. "I would like to take a proper wife. Can you choose
someone who will be a good match?"
    Carrick looked to Analise then nodded. "Aye, I
can, but would prefer you find someone you will love and will love you in
return. First, I ask this brother. Take the time to get to know the people of
the village. In six months time if you have not met a good match, I will find a
good counterpart for you."
    "I must admit I had the ledgers for the keep
taken away with Jules. I am sorry for taking them. I was bitter and jealous.
When you showed to be a good and fair leader, I sent word for Jules to return.
He will arrive on the morrow.” When Carrick nodded, "Thank you, brother, I
will do well with what you have entrusted me with." Declan left past a
red-faced Moraine without looking at her.
    Moraine lowered her gaze and allowed the guards to
lead her from the room. Analise rushed to Carrick and wrapped her arms around
his waist. She laid her head on his chest. "You are tenderhearted to allow
Moraine to live."
    "Father mistreated her for years. I don't excuse
what she did, but I understand it. I think we will not see her again."
    "And your brother?"
    "He will be a good and fair leader. Besides, I
need my brother to remain our ally in case something happens to me or we don't
have an heir. I want him to experience leadership and be prepared to be
    "Ah. But you see, Laird, you will have

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